Next one for the chop...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
The latest UK industry in for a hard time...

EU prepares to cut amount of British TV and film shown post-Brexit

"The EU is preparing to act against the “disproportionate” amount of British television and film content shown in Europe in the wake of Brexit, in a blow to the UK entertainment industry and the country’s “soft power” abroad.

The UK is Europe’s biggest producer of film and TV programming, buoyed up by £1.4bn from the sale of international rights, but its dominance has been described as a threat to Europe’s “cultural diversity” in an internal EU document"

Death of a country by a thousand cuts...

Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving! (n)
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Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving!

Probably partly because Netflix produces so much good TV now and most people watch that instead.

This must be driven by market forces. "the EU" are unlikely to be stopping people from watching what they want to watch - surely this is decided by the TV stations in each country, not the EU?
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So basically, U.K. content is preferred by EU individuals but the EU don’t like that and want to change the rules to force their residents to watch a bigger percentage of home-made s hit that they have no interest in. That doesn’t seem to me that the EU are giving their members what they want and are just being spiteful c***s. Have I got that right?
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