oh come on..

i had nothing at all to do with getting you banned, I havent even read any of your posts, I didn't know of you until reading the above post.

edit, actually I'm not sure who you are still.. who are you?

I never called anyone a grass.. so get your facts straight..

I agree, i was called a grass, but NOT by ColJack.

Who the hell are/were you?
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if you are asing who is qwert, i think it's dongle MkII
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if you are asing who is qwert, i think it's dongle MkII

that's what I thought, hence my pre-edit post above, but then I re-read what qwert said and I wasn't sure..

he says "thanks donglebob" at the end so is he saying "thanks to donglebob", meaning it can't be him, or is he saying "thanks, donglebob" as in signing off his post?
col how can you say you did not read my posts when you replied to one of them .. i have asked mods who got me banned but when i asked them how to send a pm to a person about some materials they did not reply . or maybe its one law for the long time regular users and another for the newbie's well hope your happt who ever you are as col says its not him or do you want to get this post banned too ????????????????/

again, I still don't know who you previously were..
as above at the time of posting I thought you were donglebob and if that's the case then the post I replied to was the only one I've read.. and I certainly didn't alert any mods about it....
col how can you say you did not read my posts when you replied to one of them .. i have asked mods who got me banned but when i asked them how to send a pm to a person about some materials they did not reply . or maybe its one law for the long time regular users and another for the newbie's well hope your happt who ever you are as col says its not him or do you want to get this post banned too ????????????????/
So, come on, give us a clue who you are/were :LOL:
qwert=dongle. Correct?
OK, my poor single cell hurts, how is quert dongle?
It's late and I have replied to Nuke on another thread - don't reply LAGM, we'll get banned too ;)

Well mods have banned someone - similar to society in as much as putting someone into prison.... and that person creates a new id and logs back in... the same as the inmate using their human rights or the parole board and walking out of prison.

The guess is that donglebob got booted, but is now qwert....? he hasn't the decensy to tell us, so your guess is as good as the next !
I always seem to miss what people actually say to get banned......

everytime i miss it......... :cry: :cry:
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