
If you want to be an honest broker, reply to Motorbiking who states they are "economic migrants" -if the majority arent then he is incorrect

I wouldn't know a breakdown of who's who. That's why they need to be processed. What I do know is the likes of you JoB the two Gary's and Deborah Meedon are making it a harder slog for genuine refugees.

Keep backing the illegals and your not doing anyone any favours.
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I wouldn't know a breakdown of who's who. That's why they need to be processed

they have always been , it’s called an asylum application.

you might not know a breakdown, the government however does, they accept around 75% of cases as they are genuine.

You just can’t break out of your brainwashing, can you. It’s a shame for you really.
Keep backing the illegals and your not doing anyone any favours.

when they arrive on our shores, they make a claim for asylum.

seeking asylum is not illegal.

I am backing no illegals, I just back the law
you might not know a breakdown, the government however does, they accept around 75% of cases as they are genuine.
You mean they can't prove otherwise because of lies, 'lost papers' and shyster lawyers.
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The UK offered protection to 13,210 people (including dependants) in the year ending September 2021, in the form of asylum, humanitarian protection, alternative forms of leave and resettlement. Resettlement accounted for 1,171 of those people (9%); this does not include those resettled via the Afghanistan Citizens Resettlement Scheme, which will be included in future releases. The number of people offered protection was 2% higher than the previous year, though it remains below pre-pandemic levels. The 2% rise is accounted for by an increased number of people granted protection at initial decision.
There were 37,562 asylum applications (main applicants only) in the UK in the year ending September 2021, 18% more than the previous year. This is higher than at the peak of the European Migration crisis in 2015-16 (36,546 applications) and the highest number of applications since the year ending June 2004.

In the year ending September 2021, there were 14,758 initial decisions made on asylum applications. Almost two thirds (64%) of these were grants (of asylum, humanitarian protection or alternative forms of leave), up from the previous year (49%).

LOL I changed one comment to bold because that is not total applicants were as accepted asylum seekers is the total.

For those who read links google will tell them what a BN(0) is. Others can carry on thinking the moon is made of cheese and similar.
They don’t get asylum without proof
Judged to be correct in some cases.

They could pull a tooth out, grind it up and find out where most of their food etc consumed came from. We are a bit short and only have overpaid dentists though.
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