Should people who refuse a Covid vaccine be denied treatment or charged for it?

28 Jul 2018
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United Kingdom
If someone chooses not to have a Covid vaccine and then catch it, should they be given the same level of care as people who haven't been offered it yet or haven't been able to get it yet? They have chosen to not take care of themselves, should they be allowed to take up beds that people who have, or at least be billed for their care?

This would, of course, exclude anyone who hasn't been offered the vaccine, can't have it for medical reasons or logistic reasons. Just those who have been offered it and actively refused it.

Normally I am firmly against the 'deserves it' line of logic for who gets healthcare, but refusing a safe vaccine is a clear choice that someone believes they're better off without it. So let them be better off without.
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I don't think you should discriminate, as these people need a greater level of care.............:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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I do wonder if they could add the flu jab to the same injection, Or offer it at the same time. 2 birds with one stone. Saying that, possible contraindications. I'll shut up.
Do you want to do down the slippery slope of denying people the same care just because they're idiots? Anti-vax, smokers, fatties, drinkers, drug addicts, kids that drive cars too fast, dangerous sports etc etc.

Healthcare should be equal, no matter how much we disagree with the lifestyle/choices of others.

I am perhaps though in fav of a vax passport! Keep the idiots out of pubs, shops, cinemas, travel etc until everyone who wishes to be vaccinated has been able to do so. Let them sit at home festering until we're ready and safe.
IT: Do you want to make it compulsory?
It looks like it works really well for those that need it, and it's very safe to use. Which means herd immunity isn't needed to protect those who need it most. So I'm ambient on mandatory vaccination, it'd be good but might not be worth the trouble.
Normally I am firmly against the 'deserves it' line of logic for who gets healthcare, but refusing a safe vaccine is a clear choice that someone believes they're better off without it
Define a 'safe vaccine'...
I do wonder if they could add the flu jab to the same injection, Or offer it at the same time. 2 birds with one stone. Saying that, possible contraindications. I'll shut up.
I believe they had to be a couple of weeks apart, although I'm not sure if that just them playing it safe for testing.
If we exclude people treatment because they choose not to then we should do the same for people who injure themselves through not wearing PPE, people who take part in dangerous sports etc etc. In short I think they should still be treated.
I will be taking it when it is available because my thought is I either wait until I get the virus or I have the vaccine, my problem is I have health issues and I personally know people that have had Covid so I don't fancy my chances.
I do fear this wonder drug may be just cover for the winter. We don't know what the half-life is as of yet along with that false sense of immortality from the C word...I did not sure as I lived in self isolation for the last 18 months, And I would not be eligible until at least Easter being under the age 50 bracket.
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