Smoking in Public Places

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I am a smoker and it is really annoying when people go on about banning smoking, and banning it in public places. Smoking is a personal choice (like drinking, over eating etc) and for someone to say you can't do it is an infringement on human rights. I believe that the govt has found no middle ground - obviously until recently you could smoke anywhere, which I believe is not fair on non smokers, now they want to ban it completely! Why is there no midlle ground? Most pubs etc have more than one room - surely they can make the smaller one a smoking section? This way everyone is happy? As for secondary smoke - as yet there has been no proof that it damages the average person (diffirent if you work in an environment where you are subjected to a lot of smoke etc). Smoking does not cause cancer either - that has been proven - it can only aggravate it. But so can too much sun or knocking your arm.
Notb665 - who are you to say smokers are selfish,nervous etc etc? I smoke because I enjoy it not because I am nervous or selfish or weak willed etc etc. Think that is a very narrow minded point of view you have - take the blinkers off! Thanks
Tell that to the 120,000 who die from smoking every year.

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joe-90 said:
Tell that to the 120,000 who die from smoking every year.


I can see why the tobacco co's have to spend so much on advertising, they have to recruit 120,000 schoolchildren every year just to keep the customer numbers up.

Hooked for life, but maybe not for long.
69er said:

I am a smoker and it is really annoying when people go on about banning smoking, and banning it in public places. Smoking is a personal choice (like drinking, over eating etc) and for someone to say you can't do it is an infringement on human rights. I believe that the govt has found no middle ground - obviously until recently you could smoke anywhere, which I believe is not fair on non smokers, now they want to ban it completely! Why is there no midlle ground? Most pubs etc have more than one room - surely they can make the smaller one a smoking section? This way everyone is happy? As for secondary smoke - as yet there has been no proof that it damages the average person (diffirent if you work in an environment where you are subjected to a lot of smoke etc). Smoking does not cause cancer either - that has been proven - it can only aggravate it. But so can too much sun or knocking your arm.
Notb665 - who are you to say smokers are selfish,nervous etc etc? I smoke because I enjoy it not because I am nervous or selfish or weak willed etc etc. Think that is a very narrow minded point of view you have - take the blinkers off! Thanks

No, no and thrice no. Smoking is NOT a personal choice. YOU inflict YOUR choice on other people. It is pollution. The same as if I bent down right in front of your face and farted.

Human rights as if. That argument is like saying "I want to go around punching people in the face, and if the government says I can't do it, it's infringing my human rights".

People who smoke next to people who don't like smoke are selfish. I wouldn't drive up to your house, sit on the drive and play SlipKnot all night long. You know why? Because you wouldn't like it. (probably)

I try to live my life thinking about how I affect other people - I try not to go around upsetting them, or making them feel ill. Smokers upset people and make them feel ill.

Everyone has a vice, fair enough. Mine is that I can't relax and so keep going - indeed I have ended up in hospital a couple of times. Another one I have is that I bear grudges. I admit it. But do they immediately affect other people? Does it make them feel sick? Do their clothes need washing after I get exhausted or think about something in the past?

But yeah, lock them away in their own room. I would be prepared for that. At least it's not the "non-smoking" section or for that matter a "smoking section" in a pub. "Like, hello? Smoke, like, uh, DRIFTS. Durrr".

I would take the blinkers off, but you know what? Smoke will get in my eyes.
Having a "no-smoking area" in a pub or restaurant is like having a "no peeing area" in a swimming pool.
Hi notb665

It is a personal choice - the fact that it will make someone else feel uncomfortable does not take away the fact that the choice to smoke was made by the individual therefore personal choice! I understand what you saying about it "invading" non smokers space etc and I agree that non smokers should not have to be subjected to this - 2 solutions: 1 - stay home and you can't complain because after all you decided to go to a place where you know there will be smoke. 2 - the individual smoking must be more considerate. I have a group of friends that do not smoke yet when I got with them to the pub or their house etc, out of courtesy to them I go outside or away from them when I smoke - selfish? As for the pollution comment - vehicles,fires and factories do far more damage to the ozone layer and your avergae man walking down the street. i think your example of runnung around punching people is a bad one - it's not legal to assault people - it is legal to smoke - try again. You are welcome to come play slipknot on my drive - my sister likes them! I relaise it is crap to have your clothes and hair smell like smoke - I am a smoker and I hate it - but that's life, we do not live in utopia (unfortunately) and different people want different things therfore tolerance is the key word. Smoke drift? Seriously? I didnt realise :LOL: . In south africa they have smoking sections that have big extracor fans - it works well - the smoke doesn't drift.
I would take the blinkers off, but you know what? Smoke will get in my eyes.[/quote] - nice comeback! What mnay I ask is LMAO?
I've noticed smokers often think that smoke doesn't drift or that fans take it away - unfortunately they can't smell the smoke any more than a steel mill worker can hear annoying lift music. a recently cured smoker colleague commented that her clothes now smell of persil, she'd never noticed that they'd smelt like pub curtains.

I have a well-controlled chest problem, and one of my oldest friends (a heavy smoker, recently died at 48 ) thought that I coughed all the time. The reason? He smoked all the time, and whenever he was near me I was coughing.
JohnD_ said:
I've noticed smokers often think that smoke doesn't drift or that fans take it away - unfortunately they can't smell the smoke any more than a steel mill worker can hear annoying lift music. a recently cured smoker colleague commented that her clothes now smell of persil, she'd never noticed that they'd smelt like pub curtains.

I have a well-controlled chest problem, and one of my oldest friends (a heavy smoker, recently died at 48 ) thought that I coughed all the time. The reason? He smoked all the time, and whenever he was near me I was coughing.
69er said:
Hi notb665
1 - stay home and you can't complain because after all you decided to go to a place where you know there will be smoke.

How about you stay at home, as you are going to a place where you know there will be people there who don't want you to smoke?

You personally seem to have an 'improving' attitude - better than most others.

LMAO - Laugh My Arse Off.

Thanks for the thanks on the comeback. I thought that was pretty good too.
Sorry, got that last one wrong - hey, can you tell I'm new? Doh! :cry:

Anyhow, I now refuse to buy expensive perfumes or aftershaves for pals if they are smokers. Reason? Their smoke overpowers ALL additional perfume odours. :confused:

Thanks for replies

John D - I hate smoke in my face (so am aware it drifts) - fans do take it away if they are installed in a smoking room/area - believe me it works. I don't agree that smokers can't smell smoke. I too smell it on my clothes and hair after a night out and I hate it - shower first thing when I get in. Just doing a job for a client who smokes and walked through the front door and gagged - house smells like an ashtray! Not nice. I dont like someone sitting next to me smoking when it goes in my face - and I am a smoker. Therefore I can understand the resentment but like I said in my original post, I think if people were more tolerant and considerate, a middle ground could be found - idealist view?

notb665 - As for the staying home thing - who wins? Nobody does. We both have the right to go out and enjoy ourselves smoking or not. Again consideration is called for. As for "improving" attitude - its not. I have always maintained that it costs nothing to have manners and show considerations. I do draw the line when it comes to my space - if someone who doesn't smoke comes to my house or in my car they are aware I smoke and as far as I am concerned can not moan. Its my house/car therefore if I want to smoke in it so be it - they got a problem then they can leave. Only exception is babies - smoke out of the room then. You probably gonna tell me thats selfish? Well if that makes me selfish then so be it. No probs on the thanks - couldn't think of a comeback to beat it (if you knew me you would realise how unusual that is) therefore it was deserved. I bet you would find a lot of smokers would not mind smoking outside if the weather was friendlier too! what about drinkers?....I like a drink the same as the next painter!....but isnt about time they started getting heavy with booze companies

Two wrongs dont mke a right but you cant have NHS trusts moaning about smoking when the ammount of people out there pickling their livers and kidneys is also on the up.

Thats self is smoking.

Add to all the people that dies as results of the vermin who drink and drive...and the amount of people beaten maimed and murdered every week ....down to booze.

It all needs addressing....

Whats the difference between someone who moans about cigarette smoke invading their space.....and then getting in a car and driving home after a ten pint sesion.
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