Stupid girls!

Where the fnck you come from ... How do you know so much about me... Its the first time I've noticed you.

Hang on a minute. Your a re-birth...
You only have to look at its first post to work out who it is. Teaboyjim!
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I had a photo on here (sadly no longer displayed) of the public toilets in Mousehole with a humorous sign on the outside: "NO DUMPING".

That makes sense. One big dump could block up the Mouse hole, and the mouse is then homeless.
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If it was a bar on the sea front it'd be normal, in fact to they might not have the skirts on.
Tiki Beach, Benidorm. I choose my sun-lounger pitch close enough to see the bar but not hear. First day arrivals usually head there and spend the day getting pizzed and then subsequently miss the second day.

Ok, maybe in Benidorm but not Berkshire.
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