The Only Thing Worse Than

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Sunday drivers is Easter Sunday drivers!


People who take the right hand lane in a queue and then once the lights change, move off like a snail and trundle along.
Meanwhile, the left hand lane overtakes the trundler(s) on the inside and you (having taken the right hand lane to make progress) end up stuck behind the slow-moving idiot. They are completely oblivious to their selfish manoeuvres.

These people should be banned from driving!

Thanks for reading. Rant over!
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The same people as those who maintain a steady 40mph, whether on a 60 country road, or when it reduces to 30 for a village......
Thought you were going to swear about the idiots who sit at Traffic lights in the right hand lane then when the lights change then put their indicator on because they are are turning right - they're as infuriating as the drivers who never indicate.
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