UK social security payments 'at lowest level since launch of welfare state'

Some schools are running breakfast clubs due to kids turning up at school mal nourished?

Food banks Tis a national. Disgrace Tbh

We are paying these people billions and billions year in, year out; where is all the money going?
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Great answer, very perspicacious.

Tell me where do you think it goes?

Just go live in a third world country, that's where you will be happiest - no welfare, no health, die on the street who cares.

You hate the UK too much to remain here.
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Tell me where do you think it goes?

You're quite right - it goes back into the economy; but that's the blandest, most obscurantist answer possible. Well done! You could be Jeremy, Boris, Tony or Emily.

The money gets spent on anything but what it should be spent on.

State handouts to the undeserving poor should not be paid in cash, or in any form of liquid currency. Indoor relief is the answer. It should be so harsh and forbidding that nobody would ever want it.
You're quite right - it goes back into the economy; but that's the blandest, most obscurantist answer possible. Well done! You could be Jeremy, Boris, Tony or Emily.

The money gets spent on anything but what it should be spent on.

State handouts to the undeserving poor should not be paid in cash, or in any form of liquid currency. Indoor relief is the answer. It should be so harsh and forbidding that nobody would ever want it.

So these people don't spend it on food?

Tell me where did you get these ideas?

What do you do as a job?
We are paying these people billions and billions year in, year out; where is all the money going?
Who are the "we" you refer to, are you a member of the royal family or summit.
How many billions in tax did you pay last year.
You didn't answer my previous question.
If someone works most of their life and pays into the system, if they fall on hard times do you believe that they should be denied help.?
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Many welfare claimants spend the money given to them on booze, fags and drugs.
with respect many means some??
unless you know everybody involved your assumptions are no more than an uneducated uninformed guess
as human beings they are entitled apportion there income as they seem fit
as i say upstream only perhaps 2.2% goes on unemployed benefit so you are trying to demonize hard working people with kids pensioners and people with disabilities
that is your entitlelement but dont be surprised if some see through your very shallow argument
if you have kids or getting tax credits or simillar or indeed any benefit at all it lookes by your deffenition you are infact a benefits scrounge in your own right
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benefits scrounge in your own right
'Benefit scrounger' is a Daily Wail-esque term designed to brainwash the poorly educated and gullible. Directed at people like ryland, andy11 who are easily roused. They go by the DM playbook and shout 'loony lefty' at those who point them toward the truth.

Poor gullible old sods.
with respect many means some??

No.. not some "many".
For 2018-19 the government's benefits fraud figure was £2.3bn (4.3%) for benefits administered by the Department of Work and Pensions.
poor old gullible sods like nosesodall get sucked in by the guardian and other left wing clap trap as they are easily led and manipulated.
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No.. not some "many".
For 2018-19 the government's benefits fraud figure was £2.3bn (4.3%) for benefits administered by the Department of Work and Pensions.
poor old gullible sods like nosesodall get sucked in by the guardian and other left wing clap trap as they are easily led and manipulated.


Fraud overpayments = 1.2%
Claimant and official overpayments = 1.0%
Claimant and official underpayments =1.1%

So fraud is virtually the same as errors....not a lot.

Government official stats

Can Ryler tell us how much how much tax revenue is lost due to rich Tory donors?
No? Too embarrassed to say? Aaah
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