US Milk - WTF?

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We don't need standards. Lets scrap all building regulations, lets make it a free market. You can employ anyone you like to build anything you want. Freedom from oppressive regulations and standards.

I want that 100 sqft extension built for under £1000 - I am sure without standards I can find someone.
Who exactly are you 'protecting' from making their own choices, Mr Dictator, sir?

There is an asymetric information problem - how do you know what you are buying meets your requirements? Can you define your requirements for milk?

Some on here are so brainwashed into thinking that standards and regulations mean nothing. Go to some third world country and drink the milk a street seller is offering.
Who exactly are you 'protecting' from making their own choices, Mr Dictator, sir?
Well the FSA 'dictators' believe it advantageous to prevent foods that may have a harmful effect reaching the UK market.
Respective EU organisations believe the same.

The FDA however has a different approach - in that if it's cheap by default it's 'healthy'!

So when we get these post Brexit deals, how are you going to choose your food - by price or by minimising risk?
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The FDA however has a different approach - in that if it's cheap by default it's 'healthy'!
What a cretinous statement. Is that really the level of debate? Once again we have devolved to straw manning: "Oh you want to leave the EU? That's the same thing as having no standards at all!"
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What a cretinous statement. Is that really the level of debate? Once again we have devolved to straw manning: "Oh you want to leave the EU? That's the same thing as having no standards at all!"
I suggest you look at the facts surrounding the FDA before spouting off insults when your less than wafer thin argument is challenged.

And while you're about it, also check out how the clean water/air act in the US is easily bypassed if the corporates are disadvantaged.
(you might like to google 'Cheney/Halliburton loophole' to kickstart your knowledge enhancement program)

Of course if you enjoy ingesting food items that are currently banned in Europe, then feel free to do so. Don't expect those who have realised that the 'choice' you advocate is in fact a form of 'russian roulette' to follow suit ;)
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And what does any of that have to do with leaving the EU and writing our own standards, exactly?
Because most of what we hope to import under post Brexit trade deals will have been subjected to lower safety standards than currently exist in the EU/UK up until now.

If we wish to trade with the rest of the world we will have to compromise, or as Boris so eloquently put it WE will have to 'go whistle'!
Because anything we import under post Brexit trade deals will be subject to the lower of standards that exist outside the EU/UK up until now.
I'm having difficulty imagining how you think the world works. Do you think other countries will force us to buy their dirty foreign diseased milk?
I'm not sure about this U.S. milk, but Im looking forward to bendy bananas again (y)
And while you're about it, also check out how the clean water/air act in the US is easily bypassed if the corporates are disadvantaged.

Corporates the world over work their way around all sorts of acts, regs, and the like.
You only have to look at the financial crisis, or the tax avoidance, to see that.
It's not just a US issue.
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And while you're about it, also check out how the clean water/air act in the US is easily bypassed if the corporates are disadvantaged.
(you might like to google 'Cheney/Halliburton loophole' to kickstart your knowledge enhancement program)

Please, Sir? I never said that, Sir. It was ellal, Sir.
Bendy bananas are the tastiest ones.

I dont know why the EU banned them :ROFLMAO:

Ive chlorinated chicken sandwiches for lunch, yummy with a bit of salad.
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