
11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
do drivers sound their horn & flash their lights when you overtake them?

I always do this in a safe manner, and can never understand why drivers get so irate as to do this.

Sometimes they're the only vehicle in front, sometimes there's more in front of them.

I mean, if they are not at the head of the queue and wanted to overtake, they have got just as much opportunity as I have - more if you take into account I have a Duratorq (not the newer TDCi) engine & am speed limited too!! On top of this, I am restricted to 60 on d/c's & 50 on s/c's.

If they are at the head of the queue, I will be overtaking them because they are going significantly slower than they are allowed, ie 30 in a 40 zone.

I was taught as an advanced driver to "make progress" when possible, taking full advantage to further my progress.

To me this means taking the right hand lane at traffic lights & roundabouts if possible & making full use of speed limits when safe to do so. It annoys the pants off me when I come across someone who leaves a 30 zone but is still doing 30 5 miles down the road having travelled through a 40, 50, & derestricted zone before arriving back in a 30 again.

Yet some people I follow seem to break the speed limit round town, but not make full advantage of the limits outside built-up areas - this is perverse!!

Oh and another thing: why do drivers speed up when you overtake them? It specifically warns drivers not to do this in the H/W code.

I overtook someone recently and they put their foot down as I levelled with them. Of course, SPACE is the watchword for advanced drivers, so I had plenty of it and no-one was placed in any danger.

As it happened, I stopped at the next SS for a drink and who should pull in??

Let's just say he had a go at me for driving dangerously, but could not see it was him that created the dangerous situation (by attempting to prevent me from overtaking) not me (by overtaking him in the first place).

I blame the Government, If drivers didn't pay so much i motor-related taxes, they wouldn't want to own the ruddy road!
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I know what you mean regarding when you overtake and they speed up, why don't they go faster in the first place :confused: What pees me off is when you overtake someone who's doing lets say 60-ish and they put their foot down, which means you have to go over the speed limit to get by them.
I've never in all my years of driving had horns or lights flashed at me.

Then again, I don't drive like an idiot and rarely overtake.

Just because a limit is 40mph doesn't mean that you have to drive at that speed or that it is safe to do so.

Have you ever been in a road accident?
I assume you're trying to raise heckles again, joeyboy.

Bad news mate. I ain't rising.

I don't "drive like an idiot". Just because you overtake, it does not mean driving dangerously.

As I said:

secure said:
I always do this in a safe manner...

SPACE is the watchword for advanced drivers, so I had plenty of it and no-one was placed in any danger.

I will agree with you. It is a limit, not a target. However, I'm sure you will agree that you can often drive safely at or near the limit. Indeed, on an advanced pre-test I did, I was pulled up for not doing so when I could safely have.

Of course, you have never suffered any damage to your vehicle due to a misjudgement...
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Most 'bad' drivers (the way you describe them Secure) feel, as soon as they close the car door, the road BELONGS to them and any other driver is a nuisance. THEY drive best, THEY never do anything wrong and oh dear if someone else as much as dares to overtake them (****, that one is driving faster than me, noway) THEY feel humiliated.

OK, rant over

P.S. not just a 'normal practice' in UK, any country has 'them'
I was stuck behind an old chap for about 6 miles once, national speed limit single carriageway lane, doing about 30-35 mph at best, slowing right down for every bend.

I'd held right back to keep a good view and not to pressure him (I hate tailgaters). got to a section I knew was suitable for overtaking as it was straight for a good 1/2 mile and the visibility was always good.

Went for it and he slapped his hand on his horn and swerved to cut me off, shaking his fist at me. I dropped right back so Icould get a good run up at a second attempt when two motorcycles came flying past me with blue lights flashing and pulled him over.
Pulled me over too and i was expecting an undeserved rollocking and was getting geared up for a fairly healthy (and polite) argument with a copper. I walked away with a really smug feeling when I found out they'd pulled me over so the old guy could apologise to me and sent me on my way....
There are

[1] a few good drivers,

[2] some average drivers

[3] a great majority of car users and abusers.

Driving test should be tougher, it should include a practical exam in first aid and accident scene management.
so you`ve got them too ,secure..........you wanna laugh :rolleyes: go to Bexhill.........un -f`kin -believable........do all you`ve said and invent more of their own..........old tossers, all of them :mad:
joe-90 said:
I've never in all my years of driving had horns or lights flashed at me.

Then again, I don't drive like an idiot and rarely overtake.

Just because a limit is 40mph doesn't mean that you have to drive at that speed or that it is safe to do so.

Have you ever been in a road accident?

Another Toyota Yaris driver speaks :D
I rather someone over take me than to sit on my tail.I've had that and it annoys me especially at night with there head lights blazing in my car.
And what's more,they rather do that than over-take me. If someone want to over-take me,no problem,but don't tail hang.
there are no boundaries when it comes to rude drivers. I agree with rommy on this one...dont just hang back there...by all means get around me!
but having said that, I have made a gesture or two...when someone passes me....seems when they are trying to prove some kind of point rather than just goin on about their business. THAT does get me riled up.... :evil:
joe-90 said:
I've never in all my years of driving had horns or lights flashed at me.

Then again, I don't drive like an idiot and rarely overtake.

Just because a limit is 40mph doesn't mean that you have to drive at that speed or that it is safe to do so.

Have you ever been in a road accident?

as said ,I suspect they feel humiliated thats why they honk the horn an get irate ...

small bloke syndrome ....
securespark said:
I assume you're trying to raise heckles again, joeyboy.

Bad news mate. I ain't rising.

Everything you say points to you being a bad driver. Why do you think you get horns blasting and lights flashing? It's because you keep cutting people up. It has NEVER happened to me.

I ask you again. Have you ever been involved in an accident?
*It has NEVER happened to me. *

joey (slogger ?)

thats cause youre on a push bike , eh lad..lol
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