Euro Terrorist Attacks

11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
March 22 2016 - Brussels

July 22 2016 - Munich

March 22 2017 - Westminster

May 22 2017 - Manchester
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UK has bombed Iraq and Syria 69 out of 99 days up to April 9 2017, destroying and killing unknown numbers of people

There is bound to be a Lone Wolf that seeks revenge upon this Country and its allies.
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23 May 1998 The Good Friday Agreement is accepted in a referendum in Northern Ireland with 75% voting yes.

1813 South American independence leader Simón Bolívar enters Mérida, leading the invasion of Venezuela, and is proclaimed El Libertador ("The Liberator")

In the Northern hemisphere, revolutions usually occur around June and July, because it's warm and the populace are willing to go out on the streets.
cf Bastille Day, US Independence Day

Occasionally they happen on a Bank holiday, when the populace have the day off.
cf Dublin Easter Rising, 1917
Wonder if corbyn will condemn this atrocity?
Since he gave and gives so much support to irish republican killers of people.

merkel and the liberal lot said let them come in their multitudes.
Quare maet for them now.
SUNDAY on sky tv?

Corbin said

He said: “I condemn all the bombing by both the loyalists and the IRA.”
corbyn supports the ira. Piece of scum imo.

How has he risen to the position of labour party leader?
Have to admit. I heard him interviewed on Radio 4 tother morning. I listened to him with an open mind and thought he sounded very focused and genuine. I think if I had to work for him or May I'd choose him. Can't believe I just typed that :confused:
It took 22 years for Allah to give the Koran to Mohamed to write down.
I believe he (Corbyn) could be trusted to try and do what he says he will. He may not succeed but he would try. In the last week or so I've decided I wouldn't trust May as far as a baby could throw her.
This is corbyn giving his full support to ira killer jerry adams.
No doubt corbyn and his ilk will be cosying up to Islamic killers just as I write this.
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