Stormzy scholarship

158c does not mean correcting an imbalance and its only lawful if all other criteria have been met. i.e. two candidates of equal merit. It does not allow you to target those with protected characteristics in order to level up the playing field. google EFTA Surveillance Authority v the Kingdom of Norway which is an example how it can go too far.
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The issue about affirmative action is redress. So in economic terms their is market failure - it's not operating efficiently - there is not an optimum allocation of resources. In the case of higher education - talented students are not going to University or attending the elite universities which is considered as sub optimal.

So first point is simple - do you consider talented students not attending university or not attending elite universities something needs redress?

Second point leads from that - how do we achieve it? Sometimes in the market a government can offer subsidies which distorts the market - for example lets say people are not investing in pensions so the Government decides to provide them with a sweetener - this is all acceptable because sometimes the market is not efficient - it needs adjusting and tweaking. People may undervalue the need of a pension.
Are they able to achieve their full potential without attending? Plenty of millionaires didn't go to posh universities. Subsidising businesses, tends to be for the good of international competition or the local economy. e.g. Ireland does it to compete with the UK and some mainland low tax havens.
Funny how it's only become an issue since being offered to blacks only. No wonder those privileged whites are feeling disgruntled. How dare those black people!

Honestly don't recall any recent white only "deals". Maybe they're not so well publicised.
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158c does not mean correcting an imbalance and its only lawful if all other criteria have been met. i.e. two candidates of equal merit.
Agreed. Except I disagree with your use of the word "correcting". That implies use of your strawman argument (see below).
I said addressing the imbalance, not correcting it. But I can see how you are trying to insert your strawman argument.

If you have two students who meet the criteria for uni entry, and have been offered a place, and possibly cannot afford to go, irrespective of what their protected characteristics are, it is fair, legal, and morally justified to apply Positive Action in recruitment, or in providing financial assistance.

Stormzy is financially assisting two students who have qualified by their own merit and have been offered a place.
His offer to assist, helps to highlight the imbalance, and possibly encourages some to apply for that uni, thereby, possibly, probably increasing the applications and addressing the imbalance.

Do you financially assist your children to go to uni?
Is this situation any different?

It does not allow you to target those with protected characteristics in order to level up the playing field.
No-one has suggested it did. You are creating a strawman argument.

google EFTA Surveillance Authority v the Kingdom of Norway which is an example how it can go too far.
Sorry not interested.
Are they able to achieve their full potential without attending? Plenty of millionaires didn't go to posh universities.
I suspect this is another strawman argument.
"Are they able to achieve their full potential without attending?" Plenty of millionaire criminals didn't go to posh universities either.
It does not mean we should support crime to create millionaires.
Perhaps we should go back to university being essentially free with only the most talented being offered places for genuine degree subjects? (Although what you define as degree level subjects is bound yo be contentious)
Strawman argument

seems like strawman aurgument has replaced Ah Hominem....

Bah tu quoque to you
Steady as she goes.
I was just thinking that the mods may be redundant at this rate. :censored:
We have managed to go nearly ten pages without resorting to insults or abusive comments. o_O ( I was going to include Latin phrases, but someone spoiled it!)

What is even more amazing is that we have been discussing racial discrimination (or skirting the issue) without anyone resorting to the use of racist expressions!
o_O :cautious:
So, mods, I was only joking about redundancy, but maybe you could manage a holiday. ;)
Avoid Benidorm, there is some right weirdos go there. ;)

You could even congratulate us all, you know you get more from kisses than kicks. :whistle:
Perhaps we should go back to university being essentially free with only the most talented being offered places for genuine degree subjects? (Although what you define as degree level subjects is bound yo be contentious)

Ive always thought that degrees that lead to careers of significant benefit, like medicine, should be free. And degrees that are of really vocational nature.

It semms crazy the NHS have so many foreign doctors yet we dont change the system to encourage more students to train from this country.
I am even going to do the unthinkable. I am going to thank the OP for posting the thread.
I do not suppose it has gone the way he hoped, But what the heck!
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