What was the goal of Brexit?

Ok let's get one thing straight if you ever believed for one minute Brexit would solve our immigrant issues

I and I'm sure millions realised way before Brexit the likes of Birmingham Bradford etc are significantly changing let alone London. We are already in for a significant change come back to me in thirty years time the demographics will be significantly different already. Even if we stopped all immigration tomorrow that horse has bolted. Mark my words Labour are dead in the water soon a new party will rise not dependant on them.

Yes, many voted leave in a vain attempt to control immigration. It has certainly slowed EU migration quite a bit. However, our corrupt, lying 'leaders' have simply increased non-EU immigration to keep the pressure on and make up the shortfall.

Think immigration was 400,000 last year. So much for Camoron's 'pledge' to reduce it to the 10s of thousands. The situation is unsustainable.

As a leaver, I now couldn't give a toss if Brexit happens or not. Totally pointless and you can bet we will all be made to pay for it if we do leave. Many people I speak to have lost interest and don't care one way or the other. But then I suppose that's how the politicians want us.
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Are you seriously trying to pin that to Brexit alone. The NHS has been understaffed for around 15yrs maybe longer.

Since 2010 its been way understaffed. At least Blair invested in the NHS. The NHS is still the most effective way to deliver healthcare or you can go the US Model pay twice as much for less than what you get right now.
Are you seriously trying to pin that to Brexit alone. The NHS has been understaffed for around 15yrs maybe longer.

The latest figures from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have shown that the number of new nurses coming from the EU to work in the UK has dropped by 87% from 6,382 in 2016/17 to 805 in 2017/18.

New analysis of the NMC data by the Health Foundation also shows that month on month, registration of new nurses from the EU has flatlined following the Brexit referendum result in June 2016 until April this year. The monthly average number of EU nurses registering in the UK in the first seven months of 2016 was 940 – since January 2017 this monthly average has always been below 100.
While the Tories are not particularly good for the NHS, Brexit is certainly a significant factor (to put it mildly).
Yes, many voted leave in a vain attempt to control immigration. It has certainly slowed EU migration quite a bit. However, our corrupt, lying 'leaders' have simply increased non-EU immigration to keep the pressure on and make up the shortfall.

Think immigration was 400,000 last year. So much for Camoron's 'pledge' to reduce it to the 10s of thousands. The situation is unsustainable.

As a leaver, I now couldn't give a toss if Brexit happens or not. Totally pointless and you can bet we will all be made to pay for it if we do leave. Many people I speak to have lost interest and don't care one way or the other. But then I suppose that's how the politicians want us.

Net Migration is about 300k.



Non EU Migration has increased.

Tell me where the blame lies.

Since 1979 successive Governments have reshaped the UK economy towards services with the decline of manufacturing, now all Industrialsed countries are struggling with this, its not exclusive to the UK but we seem to have put in place policies that have accelerated it. We have light touch regulation for banking which has created an economy that has a large financial sector.

The problem with this is that we have rewarded financialisation of the economy at the expense of the real side of the economy. Factor in a market system which rewards short termism we have chronic low levels of investment. To solve this low investment we have encouraged foreign investment attracted by our weaker unionisation and labour laws compared to the EU. FDI (foreign direct investment) has flowed into the UK but the benefits have not been shared equally.

So we have high levels FDI, low levels of productivity as we are a more service led economy so labout utilisation is higher, this leads to more people and then more demand for housing.

The percentage that the land contributes to the cost of a new build if I am correct has risen from about 40% to over 60%.

Our economy has rewarded those who own land and monopolies like the utilties and we have become a renty economy, where a select few who own these assets can draw income from everyone not due to any increases in productivty, investment etc.

Which has resulted in rising inequality, anger and disenfranchisement.
Are you seriously trying to pin that to Brexit alone. The NHS has been understaffed for around 15yrs maybe longer.
Im certainly not trying to pin that on Brexit alone.

NHS staff shortages are due to many causes including the stupid idea that charging trainee nurses and doctors will somehow encourage people to join that profession.

Also its caused by lack of investment and lack of pay rises in the public sector -austerity by the Tories.

So if you rely on immigration, then Brexit is a problem.
Since 2010 its been way understaffed. At least Blair invested in the NHS. The NHS is still the most effective way to deliver healthcare or you can go the US Model pay twice as much for less than what you get right now.

Can remember back to around 2000 when friends were leaving due to being overworked & underpaid and signing on as agency staff for better money and private insurance has been around way before then as well so nothing new and nothing to do with Brexit.
Can remember back to around 2000 when friends were leaving due to being overworked & underpaid and signing on as agency staff for better money and private insurance has been around way before then as well so nothing new and nothing to do with Brexit.

What about private insurance for healthcare.

Only fools and private providers will vote for that model.

Every report has the US Model as being the worst in terms of effective cost.
Im certainly not trying to pin that on Brexit alone.

NHS staff shortages are due to many causes including the stupid idea that charging trainee nurses and doctors will somehow encourage people to join that profession.

Also its caused by lack of investment and lack of pay rises in the public sector -austerity by the Tories.

So if you rely on immigration, then Brexit is a problem.
Ah, I see you can be reasonable (y) As I`ve just posted ^ the lack of investment by all goverments caused deep damage that hasn`t yet been repaired (and perhaps never will be), because they believed they could cope with people from overseas coming in, then Brexit and the lies from all sides caused people to panic and some to actually leg it. I see no problem with a points based system for people still wanting to come and indeed it would help weed out the people with fake qualifications and those that are unable to hold a conversation in english.
What about private insurance for healthcare.

Only fools and private providers will vote for that model.

Every report has the US Model as being the worst in terms of effective cost.

Unlike the other member I see you aren`t reasonable to debate with (n) You need to read my previous post again.
I never believed that 'immigration issues' are a 'problem', let alone 'solving' the 'problem'...

But how about you humour us and answer the following...

1. what are these 'immigrant issues'?
Immigrants are massively changing certain parts of our country as named above there is a huge swing in birthrates against what i would call native British people (yes put that in your pipe and take a big hit on it).

2. why would brexit not solve the 'immigrant issues' that I assume you can tell us about in Q1?
Oh shoosh you apprentice whipper snapper, stop trying to chuck me rope to hang myself behave.. obvious answer you know it i know it.

3. why was immigration the number one quitter issue, despite according to you being 'unsolvable'?
Its the no.1 issue i agree we have let far too many immigrants into this country and believe me we will all be deeply affected by it one day, not this generation, i'ts a bit like global warming, everyone thinks the odd blip in the temp isn't much, but just you wait.

The UK also has one of the largest gaps in fertility rates between Muslims and non-Muslims, with Muslim women having an average of 2.9 children compared to the 1.8 had by non-Muslims.

This means that even if migration were to stop completely, the group's population share would rise by more than 3 per cent in the UK, as well as in France, Italy, and Belgium.

The paper suggests that if migration continues at the same rate but refugee movement stops, the UK will have the highest overall population of Muslims in the EU, at 13m, making up 16.7 per cent of the population.


Like i said Labour and Lib dems will be no more soon, they will have their own party.
So - When you say immigration, you don't really mean that; it's only the religion you are worried about.
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