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My source is from the ons website, it comes up when you click the link. All I did was convert to a pie chart and consolidate the gender.
Eventually the government will need some tax income to fund the NHS, job retention, schools, care of the elderly etc. Its not economy vs saving lives its very much a necessary engine to fuel critical services.
As said, I don't dispute your figures. But you ought to have cited your sources, and properly labelled your pie chart. It still takes the criteria to give the lowest numbers of deaths, i.e. deaths where Coronavirus has tested positive.
The economy may be the engine that generates the 'steam'. But experimenting with schools is not the way to go. And it is an experiment because there is no science to justify the decision.
As said previously, kids are super spreaders in other flu epidemics. Why wouldn't it be true for Coronavirus?
That's a rhetorical question, obviously, because the jury is still out.
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Your use of "other" was a mistake then? (y)
No, not particularly.
As in "an aeroplane does not need to power the wheels, unlike other means of transport".
Or, "the Alps straddles eight countries, unlike other mountain ranges".
But "the Alps does have snow all year round like other mountain ranges".
"Some animals have opposable thumbs, unlike other animals".

You might notice that the phrase "in other" can mean that the writer can refer to similarities, as they please, without including all similarities.
They are making comparisons, comparisons of attributes that are similar, but not identical.

You do seem to like obsessing about minutia, and assume that others make inferences that they haven't made, which results in your incorrect conclusions.
Your statement clearly implies it is.
Please continue to discuss what I did and didn't say, mean, imply, etc.
It does seem to be contagious, (like other flu epidemics :rolleyes:) this obsessing about minutia, or taking inferences that were not intended.
No, not particularly.
As in "an aeroplane does not need to power the wheels, unlike other means of transport".
Or, "the Alps straddles eight countries, unlike other mountain ranges".
But "the Alps does have snow all year round like other mountain ranges".
"Some animals have opposable thumbs, unlike other animals".

All of which only have your claimed meaning, when "like" or "unlike" immediately precede "other". (y)
inferences that were not intended.

But were made.
As I said earlier, some "obsess" over some things; some, over other things.
Me? Watching Himmy's latest nom de plume desperately trying to deny its true identity.

Himmy? Desperately trying to obfuscate, when exposed, rattled, or their mistakes are highlighted.

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