Anyone still here from the beginning (or nearly)

10 Sep 2002
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United Kingdom
Just noticed how long ago I signed up on this Forum and was surprised to see it is over 9 years ago. It made me wonder who the earliest regular active poster is. Are there any other regulars left from the very early days or am I the only one daft enough to still keep coming back ?
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I remember a few old souls. Noah used to be a prolific poster in the Boat Building section.
Flipping 'eck!
Compared to you lot I'm still in nappies! :eek:
i am still a newbie [i think at a guess 2005 ?]
i will see after this post lol :D :D
I've been around a while ;)
You haven't made many posts though.
So, when did it all begin? 2002?

At 2007, I'm just a badly behaved brat, hoping to be a delinquent teenager one day.
This post made me say, 'bloody hell'..2004 me..lets hope I get another 7 yrs.
The start date of the forum is Aug 2001. The first post was August 21st 2001

Interestingly from this thread I have discovered that my sign up date was set wrong, it was a year and a bit out (and about a year after my first post!) for some reason, some experiment/conversion went wrong obviously.
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