Brexit: Summer Of Discontent?

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This is due to covid as well as Brexit. This all could have been avoided.
You wanted to stay in the EU.... free movement of people regardless who they are good or bad.
I and many others would have voted with you just for control of our borders.
This is due to covid as well as Brexit. This all could have been avoided.
You wanted to stay in the EU.... free movement of people regardless who they are good or bad.
I and many others would have voted with you just for control of our borders.
control of our borders.
The latest flavour after all the other Brexit promises have failed.

Control of borders my arse. All Brexit has achieved in that respect is a shortage of much needed willing workers and taxpayers. Who incidentally had positive contribution to the UK economy.

Brexit - what a pile of shizen.
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Was it here?

When mottie supported CUTTING foreign aid?
Yes, correct. CUTTING, not abolishing. Charity BEGINS at home. In case you don’t know, there are some people in this country that could do with a hand up. When we're okay, then help others more. I just think it’s a bit off when you see a bloke continually whining about the fact he can’t get a bit of timber or some cement dust and putting the blame on Brexit when millions of people cant get food or water. First world problems eh?

BTW there is a chance if you approach some charities. One i am involved with……..
You said you were involved in a charity. Is that still the case? Simple question: In a straight choice, Would you prefer that taxpayers money went on foreign aid or the charity you support?
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And so you favour cutting foreign aid.
Yes. I've said. This is the third time now. Can’t you read or have you got your blinkers on again? How about you answering my question now?
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The immigration influx that Bodd despises is still continuing. Brexit has changed nothing in that respect.
UK has weakened its hand with respect to refugees, because it exited the Dublin agreement when it exited the EU.
In addition, the ducking and diving over the Brexit Agreement, including the NI Protocol has left UK in a position of untrustworthiness.
This is due to covid as well as Brexit. This all could have been avoided.
You wanted to stay in the EU.... free movement of people regardless who they are good or bad.
I and many others would have voted with you just for control of our borders.

I hear Lithuania are building a wall, a beautiful wall.
Yes. I've said. This is the third time now. Can’t you read or have you got your blinkers on again? How about you answering my question now?
Aaannnnd…..JohnD has left the building. Again. :sleep:
Charity BEGINS at home. In case you don’t know, there are some people in this country that could do with a hand up. When we're okay, then help others more

But you vote for a govt that has spent over a decade cutting public services.

So obviously you don't believe charity begins at home

Do remember how the refused to give food vouchers over last summer?
The brass neck hypocrisy of Mottie.

I don’t know if you’re aware but theres quite a few places in the world where people are dying rather long and horrible deaths because they can’t get food or clean water.

Yet you champion cuts to aid.
I care about the environment.
Yet you vote for a party that is close to the oil

Charity BEGINS at home. In case you don’t know, there are some people in this country that could do with a hand up.

You rail against an extra £20 for poor parents. But turna blind eye to billions given in contracts to Tory Mps and their friends.

You champion cuts to welfare then say why are there so many people struggling.

1% to NHS workers is really taking care of our own.

You truly put party before country. Sad.
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