EU divorce bill agreed

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nooooo u have missed the point as per usual .

Tbh I am of the opinion that u do not really under stand this brexit negotiation caper ? neither does Noseall ?

or way R bee .

all spouting nonsense :LOL:
Boris, Fox and Davis huffed & puffed, called the EU names, wrapped themselves in the flag & sang the national anthem, and basked in the glory of triumphant splashes in the Daily Mail.... And then agreed to pay what Brussels was demanding

"Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to formally present the breakthrough offer next week as part of a package deal if agreement can be reached on the other issues of citizen rights and the contentious question of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic."

Who can tell me what our government is proposing for Northern Ireland? Will it be a border wall and customs posts between NI and the Republic? Or will it be a border wall and customs posts between NI and GB?
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Who can tell me what our government is proposing for Northern Ireland? Will it be a border wall and customs posts between NI and the Republic? Or will it be a border wall and customs posts between NI and GB?
Do they have any idea themselves yet?
As I understand it Rees-Mogg wants Repiblic of Ireland to pay for it.
Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg insisted the UK government was opposed to reintroducing a hard border - but said the Irish government or EU could make a "political choice" to impose one.
Jacob Rees Mogg wants to make life easy for the IRA smugglers, then.

Back to the old days of shifting fuel and animals back and forth and collecting subsidies or defrauding VAT.
who do you think runs the organised crime and drugs trade?
Tory nutters seek to torpedo a deal with the EU.

Currently UK policy appears to want to carry on as a member of the single market and the customs union during the planned two-year transition.

Iain Smith and some extremist anti-Europeans aim to prevent an agreement by demanding impossible and contradictory conditions.

They seem to want full access to the single market post-Brexit while refusing to conform to EU rules.

I suppose they're trying to get an early election by making Theresa's shaky coalition of chaos collapse.

Bring it on.
Historically the notion or idea for a united Europe re Trade was from a Nazi big wig you remainers do know that ...right ?

Funny how Germany is at the heart of the EU.....They tried to dominate Europe twice by force and so tried a more subtle approach that then worked .....fortunately merkle has put paid to Germany as a political power.

Still suspicious of where Germany got the sums needed to rebuild itself after WW2 they were flattened

I liked the way you put it Notch, but Johns actually right; the IRA (and all the other paramilitary gangs) became criminals to fund their lifestyle and activities. How many people at the top of their game, are just going to go home and watch the TV after the the peace agreement.
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