European Commission of Human Rights

cross party oversight? plenty of domestic options to make it work.
A slightly iffy government can and will use such parliamentary processes to avoid oversight or scrutiny, eg. prorogue parliament, public media stories whipping up objections to judicial decisions.
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We still have the ability to vote them out, not so much an international team.
the current model doesn't seem to stop that. ECHR have always been the court of last resort.
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Not much consolation for the victims who's human rights have been violated.

Is Abu Hamza really in your opinion a victim? **** me.

We can’t vote out our judiciary - thankfully.
we can vote out the politicians who make the laws.
The judges uphold the law as written.

the ECHR has British input among others
Is Abu Hamza really in your opinion a victim? **** me.

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He was extradited to USA in 2012.
The ECHR did not stop his extradition.
All five cases had been sent to the High Court after the European Court of Human Rights refused to stop London from extraditing them.

So your example is a perfect example of the ECHR operating exactly as it was designed to do.
Never heard a winner say that. I bet if you got the government you wanted under FPTP you wouldn’t complain!
The electorate can be easily misled into voting for something that is not in their best interests. (Think of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and multiple other leaders that were bad news for their nations.)
Then some may feel the need to double-down on their choices, even though the outcome proves them to have been wrong.
Some others recognise their mistake in the face of the evidence.
Of we didn't have the ECHR we'd have to invent it.

Oh, wait, we already did.
I suspect the Brexit Agreement locks UK into the ECHR.
The EU-UK Agreement and Human Rights

The EU-UK Trade Agreement commits the parties in general terms to respecting human rights as a shared value under the section entitled Basis for Cooperation and respecting ‘international human rights treaties to which they are parties’ (Article COMPROV.4). Chapter 3 entitled ‘Law Enforcement’ is much more specific committing the UK and EU to respect the ECHR and to ‘giving effect to the rights and freedoms in that Convention domestically’ (Article LAW.GEN.3).

Ah sovereignty eh? UK relinquished sovereignty to gain Brexit.

UK is certainly lurching to the extreme right.
Both Truss and Sunak have suggested, should they get into power, all options around EHCR will be on the table, including withdrawal. Be interesting to see if it's just PM contest waffle or if they actually mean it. I suspect the former.
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