Got someones 'cat in my drive'

Look, I am a cat keeper, and accept the poo my cats do in my own garden, because they dump and bury it special patches I have made for them. I make sure these patches are regularly cleaned once a week, I scoop out lumps and bag them for the dustman, destined for landfill, I also nip down to my neighbour's garden to scoop any lumps which my cats may have dumped, though I have seen other cats come and dump, I scoop them as well so as not to annoy my neighbour. he is quite happy about me nipping into his garden to scoop it out, their garden isn't so much as a garden, rather more like a wild patch of weeds.

I can understand where you are coming from, cats and dogs don't know that we don't like them dumping on our lawn or patio or drive, but if they do, I just get on with removing it straightaway, I know there is little point in hurting them, or trying to educate them, as they have their own ideas.

But yes by all means deter them shoo them, throw water is just about acceptable, any violent force or throwing objects at them would be classified as cruelty.

My cats won't poo on my lawn, yet someone's cat comes over and poos on my lawn, I love this cat just as much so I just shoo him when he is about to squat, and my cats have been trained not to squat on my own lawn, but use the patches I have made.

BTW, How was your mate's wife? I hope she had a real pussey cat! :LOL:
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But if you can dump your muck far enough away, you can exist in some make-believe state where you honestly believe that you are righteous, and stalk this forum condemning everyone else.

Look, If next door let their dog out to hurdle your fence on a daily basis and crap on your lawn, you would quite rightly have the hump.

So someone tell me, why it seems acceptable behaviour when it comes to cats. No-one seems to know.

I don't want to fall out with people about it.
Apples = pears? ;)

I'm not saying it's acceptable so much as it is about tolerance. I shouldn't have to tolerate my nieighbour's music or chiminea blowing smoke in my face, but he's got every right to live his life. Cats are just doing what comes naturally to them; it's not like they ' have it in for you' or anything. Dogs by contrast can, and should, be trained. So, as they say, there's no such thing as a bad dog just bad owners. (And lots of them!!!)*

Cats, by contrast, are not trainable in the same way otherwise responsible owners should do what many dog owners should do with their pets. And again, you may love the sound of a dog barking but I hate it! It's noise FFS, not The Moonlight Sonata.

Does all this mean we should never own a cat or feed the birds unless you own 10 acres or more? If so then it becomes elitist! Do you approve of elitism? (Careful with that one bud :evil: ).

*And so, as a statement of fact and speaking as I find, that is why I have stood in more dog crap and it has been a far greater nuisance than I ever have had with cats. And don't get me started on "he won't bite" when I visit dog owners. WTF is wrong with these people that seem on a mission to make you love a barking mad variation on a wolf claw you or stick its filthy paws all over you? :confused: And while you're at it, get his nose outta my balls! I don't stick my face in your wife's crotch and dribble over her!

Be honest now, you know this is a truism. In playing fields, on pavements, even spoiling the lovely view of countless trees with bags of dog crap hanging like bauble turds from branches.

In effect, if you are saying that we should limit or confine the biggest problem from any pet it would have to be dogs. But hey, I like dogs; I just think if there was an impartial view on this it wouldn't favour dogs as the least nuisance. But I guess you could say I'm tolerant... ;)
You're quite right about dogs. Friends of ours have a small, yappy dog (I wouldn't know what breed: dogs are not my thing), which jumps up uncontrollably on their furniture and, worse, on me when we have visited them. Completely untrained, just like some spoilt children whose parents make such a fuss over them and yet don't seem to be aware of the word 'discipline'.

Once again, then, it's incompetent owners, and I'm sure there are many dog owners who have trained their dogs to behave sensibly. Unfortunately, our friends are not! I avoid going there these days. :(
That is the difference between cats and dogs, I don't hate dogs, my brother has 4! little poodles! and when I go to visit him, they all coming running towards me and try to sniff my groin area, that is embarrassing, then they want me to stroke them and they want to lick my hands and often my face! which I don't like, cats on the other hand all dive and run and hide when they hear my door bell! They do not bother anyone coming into my house, and they will then only emerge when the visitors have gone back.
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cats on the other hand all dive and run and hide when they hear my door bell! They do not bother anyone coming into my house, and they will then only emerge when the visitors have gone back.

Ours was like that. When visitors came, if a man he'd run away but if a woman he'd approach them purring. Now he's older, though, he just ignores everyone and carries on sleeping.
my dog according to people in this thread should be 'shot by a police marksman' shes is well trained, never jumps at anyone and stays in bed if told to do so by anyone(including my 2 year old). seems like these people tarnish all with the same brush.