Has the war in Ukraine changed your stance on Brexit?

You have proof of this?

It's not about teaching kids to 'despise their country', it's about teaching a balanced history warts and all...


What benefits are you talking about?

Should they not be taught that the supposed 'benefits' you will no doubt claim will have come about by exploitation of other nations?

And what other countries who usually lost their sovereignty got benefits from the empire?

Millions died to keep a few people rich, and enhance the class system in this country!

Hong Kong, Singapore for a start and yes the comfort you enjoy at home has in part come from the Empire and exploitation of others. That the western world and world in general has developed through the actions of colonial European nations and the United States... Do you want to give that up?

Should we give away our money to these nations who were historically oppressed by us?

What proof do I have that people are taught about Empire, well only the interaction with other people where every woman, man and dog seems to have at least a solid understanding of the countries history and most of them don't have a positive view of Empire. What's your proof that we aren't taught this?

Your position seems to be "history was terrible and people were terrible to each other and people should know this" .... OK, we do know this, so what now?

There doesn't seem to be any follow up to your plan or point to it... what is it that you hope to achieve, some perpetual self-flagellation for things which happen over the course of centuries?
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I see you ignored my point about whether this should be taught in the context of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Steppes and Far East being basically a Battlefield of Empires for at least three or four thousand years.

The world wasn't sitting harmonically at peace singing Kumbaya until along came the Colonial Europeans.
With two caveats though - that numbers are limited and they return home as soon as their country is safe.

It is sensible that if they have family here, they can come. Their families will be housing them and supporting them, so of little burden on society as a whole.
And all refuges want to be able to go home one day.
I don’t think this is moment to be concerning ourselves with the burden of a few hundred thousand refugees in a nation of 60 million when their men are fighting a war in the interest of all of Europe.
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Yeah, and we need to consider the risk if we don't. If things really kick off (unlikely, of course) we don't want to be the ones told "well, you didn't help Ukrainians in their hour of need, so deal with it yourself".