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PC attacks free speech is when it makes it a crimial offense to say things,

"Political Correctness" is not about putting people in prison just because they are foul-mouthed, abusive, nasty people. But it might include trying not to be foul-mouthed, abusive and nasty, and it might include commenting on, disagreeing with, and criticising foul-mouthed, abusive, nasty people. Tell me why that is wrong.

I can see that the Fasctards like to make up stories for their own pleasure pretending otherwise.
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"something you want to do, that you think you can't because of what you call Political Correctness"

I'm puzzled that you think the right-wing press is a bastion of political correctness.

Surely you know that cannabis in particular, any time it is looked at scientifically, is found to be less damaging than cigarettes, and even clean heroin is less addictive and less fatal than whisky, but the Tory heartland and the oldster papers won't accept it.

I don't know what you mean by complete freedom of speech. Do you mean you want to be able to call people ***** and spazzers without people saying that you are offensive? Or use abusive terms for people of different religion or colour and shout abuse at them in the street, without people disagreeing and criticising you? or are you under the impression that you can be sent to prison just for being a foul-mouthed, insulting vulva?

canabis ?? legalise ALL drugs every recreational drug , providing u are over 18 (?) u should be able to snort , sniff & inject what u like .

follow the health warning on the packet. sorted.

being rude , or abusive or insulting is bad behaviour & there are laws in the UK that do prohibit this & that imho has got nowt to do with freedom of speech.

What u do find how ever are those individuals who wish to or attempt to curtail the freedom of speech of others by playing the race card

your good friend himagain was one such individual whom you supported with the "smile snap" caper & even if u did not support it u certainly kept quiet on the subject ?

As for any abuse directed toward me by any one " I could not care less" I cannot be offended tis the way it is :LOL::p
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This thread is just great - I'm hooked. I've not laughed so much in a long time. All the lying talk was priceless.....
"something you want to do, that you think you can't because of what you call Political Correctness"

A very great shortage of examples.

Maybe the neo-fascists just like confecting outrage at imaginary limits on their freedom to insult people.
Pc infects this country like a disease .

Although there imho there has been a bit of a change (?) probably need to thank Nigel for that (may be ?)

the race card players tried there best though fortunately those who voted brexit saw through there BS :)
Pc infects this country like a disease .

Vague and meaningless waffle without examples.

tell us "something you want to do, that you think you can't because of what you call Political Correctness"

Do you yearn to make hissing noises when Spurs play? Do you feel awkward making chimp noises and throwing bananas at black footballers? Do you miss the days when builders would hang over scaffolding shouting obscene remarks at young girls?
so, Hate.

Do you hanker for the days when you could call people "nignog" and "sambo" because of their colour?

And find it funny?
ban all faith schools

ban caravans off the road between the hours of 11.30 pm & 4am

Ban any one riding a horse on the public high way

sack the bloke at the local council who measures the width of yellow lines

give all those who appear on the apprentice a kick up the arris & the winners (?) a "back stabber of the year award"

Give all the remoaner's a lecture on the meaning of democracy & or force them to attend a seminar/ course on democracy.

Inform the powers that be in this country that the majority of people really do not give a s**t about the UK citazens that went to syria to join isis & got killed

Ban Halal & kosher slaughtering methods

All school's should be forced to give pupils 3 lessons a week on "common sense"

and there is more to come :LOL:
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