Neighbours slaughtering chickens / turkeys in garden

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Thatcherism - selling off Council Houses :idea:

COME HOME TO ROOST :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :cool: Bdahhh, buk buk ;)
This thread is about chickens and turkeys, not Pecking Ducks. Get stuffed.
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Blood being washed onto your property is a contaminant, same as oil or effluence would be.
There is a clear breach of environmental laws which your Council is obliged to address.
I don't want my hard earned taxes going to indiginous chavs, nor do I want any of it being spent on cigs and booze by the unemployed.

I would rather it went to someone who has persuaded the authorities that they need to stay here on the grounds of safety.

I've always thought that 'Lord Landers' was a bit of an arse, but he has excelled himself. 750 posts in one month. Definitely quantity not quality.

What should happen is there should be an optional tax on everyones salary or benefits to support the likes of scrounging asylum seekers, gypsies, etc, etc. Bleeding heart liberals like Landers could choose to pay the tax to support these parasites, and normal sane people could opt out of paying to support them.

Guess what? If they had to put THEIR money where their right- on Guardianista mouths' are, there would be NO asylum seekers.

What I want to know is if half of Russia decided to opress the other half of Russia, then theoretically 75 million pople could come here, at the invitation of Landers to live off the tax payer. Makes no sense at all.
There is an optional tax - it's called charity.
Wouldn't it be marvellous if you could specify where you wanted your taxes to be spent - either on genuine asylum seekers whose unfortunate plight was partly caused by UK political and military actions, or on skiving british layabouts?
As the OP is in Leicestershire, I would think that it is very usual. The place is infested with ethnics. :evil:

"I would think"!!!
you can't realy base an argument on supposition guesses or second hand information ;)
i certainly would not like blood washed onto my land
but i would go to great lengths to make them aware personaly how i felt and suggest alternatives i would not resort to the legal route untill all freindly actions have been exausted
in this case as far as i understand 1 or 2 approaches have not got the point accross either through misunderstanding the implications or the concernes
no where does it say there actions are deliberatly desined to upset or be confrontational
If you asked them your new neighbours would probably tell you they fled the country they love because their friends and relatives were being kidnapped and murdered and they were terrified for their and their children's lives. Then they might explain that they were slaughtering the animals in order to be sure they were properly halal.

You could explain that the blood is causing you a problem and suggest that it would be easier for them to go and buy halal meat from the local Asian butcher, after all they need to make an effort to fit in with the ways of the country that is sheltering them and educating their kids for free.

Iraqis are usually generous and hospitable people and it's likely that your neighbours are better educated types who would be happy to sit down for a cup of tea and a chat. Never know, you might end up sampling some of their really delicious food - once you've tried Arabic food you'll never eat another curry.
suggest to them that they either make an area with a proper slope and drain to do their slaughering in, or that they buy a second hand bathtub to do the same.. then pipe it to the nearest drain rather than wash it over your land..
If you asked them your new neighbours would probably tell you they fled the country they love because their friends and relatives were being kidnapped and murdered and they were terrified for their and their children's lives.

They'll tell you any sort of story to stay in soft touch UK. 34,000,000 Iraqis manage without coming here. Tell them to go back and sort their own country out.
or shoot them... not quite right..... but buy a gun and threaten too... funny... that normally works.... if not.. fire it over their heads... easy...
Actually the Koran is very specific on all matters of hygiene and food preparation so there's probably a bit in it that says you shouldn't allow your offal, blood, offcuts or whatever to contaminate your neighbour's land. This is all part of good hygiene in a hot dry country, which is what the Koran is all about anyway. Why not mention it when you nip round for that cup of coffee?
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