PM Dominic Cummings either resigns or is sacked.

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
He is past his sell by date. Opportunity for Boris to become PM again and lead the nation.

Police spoke to Dominic Cummings about breaching the government’s lockdown rules after he was seen in Durham, 264 miles from his London home, despite having had symptoms of coronavirus, the Guardian can reveal.
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the government wont care, Cummings was the key architect in winning the election with lies and misinformation

the only thing that will get him sacked is when enough of the Tory cabinet can stick the knife in -many of them hate him.

the Tories biggest fear at the moment is johnson
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Two minds really. I think he should resign but then so should
Stephen Kinnock. I like him I think he's a genuine good man and a possible future PM... So for that reason I think he should stay
Relax everyone.

Keir, not Kier.

Why is he called Keir anyway? Did his parents intend him to be Labour leader? He is only the second person called Keir that I've ever heard of.

I think his Parents were French
Why is Boris named Alexander? Did his parents intend him to be a Greek emperor?
He is past his sell by date. Opportunity for Boris to become PM again and lead the nation.

Police spoke to Dominic Cummings about breaching the government’s lockdown rules after he was seen in Durham, 264 miles from his London home, despite having had symptoms of coronavirus, the Guardian can reveal.
He must go...Sets a very bad example if not.
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