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Stick a notice on, then it's OK by me.
Otherwise you ban all war films, westerns etc in case they show some identifiable group in a bad light.

There was horrible sexism in some old films too.

And some less old ones like James Bond . I saw a bit of one with Roger Moore the other day. Yuk.
Think they all had varying degrees of Bond letching after Moneypenny.

My departed father would drive past a pretty woman, wind the window down, stick his head out and yell, "Allo', darlin'....!"

Born 1935, totally different attitude.

In the 50's, my Mum (b.1936) went to hospital with a problem with her neck.

The (young male) Dr saw her into a cubicle and asked her to strip her top half, bra and all. He said he needed a second opinion then 4 student (male) Drs came in and all had a good ogle.
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It's like they were both living in a Carry On ... film, my Dad playing the Sid James characters and my Mum the Barbara Windsor ones.
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My departed father would drive past a pretty woman, wind the window down, stick his head out and yell, "Allo', darlin'....!"
Old chauvinist duffers like Hatejob and Filly will tell you the 70's were the greatest times ever....

for men.
Up to a point, Lord Copper....

My Mum got shat on by my heavy drinking, hard gambling, womanising, prostitute-visiting Dad who literally left her holding the babies.

In fact, he told her shortly after their wedding that every couple had someone who was top dog and told her in no uncertain terms that he was top dog.

In a book he wrote (which he proudly gave to each of his kids), he effectively blamed her "relationship" with another man for the breakdown of their marriage, when there was nothing between them at all. Strangely, my father's sexual shenanigans did not feature in the book at all.

What a nice man.
Old chauvinist duffers like Hatejob and Filly will tell you the 70's were the greatest times ever....

for men.
Yeah, that was the 70s.

And the 80s.

And the 90s.

And the noughties.

And the 10s.
I watched an episode of The Professionals a couple of days ago. Bodie, told a group of school kids to run across a playground and "the last one back is a cissy". OMG, but there's more, he called a girl "love" and patted her bum. The awakened trauma in my mind since is real not faux, what monster did the influence create in my formative years? I was wandering if it was also wrong to take my RS2000 around corners at 40mph and slide over the bonnet after coming out the pub. :unsure:

Who do I complain to on behalf of the offended in 2022 and the indoctrinated of 1982?
There was horrible sexism in some old films too.
Not even old films. Watched a couple of 80s/90s films recently and was struck by how dated they now seem in terms of how men dominate "the weaker sex" in film, and always get their way through being persistent a little forceful. Men grabbing women they've just met, pinning them to a wall to kiss them, following them into the ladies toilets to ask for sex etc. all was a bit normal back in the day. Was a bit off putting to watch now though, as it seemed so unrealistic.
Yeah but chauvanistic dinosaurs like hatejob don't care about the wimmin, as long as the man had fun.

Utter ***ts.

Woman ? Lady’s ? Or did you mean

B int

Or perhaps you forgot that word b int that you find acceptable Noseall

Hmmmm bearing in mind that this is 2022 ;)
I watched an episode of The Professionals a couple of days ago. Bodie, told a group of school kids to run across a playground and "the last one back is a cissy". OMG, but there's more, he called a girl "love" and patted her bum. The awakened trauma in my mind since is real not faux, what monster did the influence create in my formative years? I was wandering if it was also wrong to take my RS2000 around corners at 40mph and slide over the bonnet after coming out the pub. :unsure:

Who do I complain to on behalf of the offended in 2022 and the indoctrinated of 1982?
Better watch your step , you’ll be deleted.
Not even old films. Watched a couple of 80s/90s films recently and was struck by how dated they now seem in terms of how men dominate "the weaker sex" in film, and always get their way through being persistent a little forceful. Men grabbing women they've just met, pinning them to a wall to kiss them, following them into the ladies toilets to ask for sex etc. all was a bit normal back in the day. Was a bit off putting to watch now though, as it seemed so unrealistic.
That's exactly what I meant by "old" films! Like the 007s around the 80's.

Looking at it now, it's nauseating.
But at the time, things were different. "Bint" was perfectly acceptable. Thinking back to where I was when, I can remember several cases of guys openly leering, and one of one office worker pinning a girl to a wall in an office corridor. Those young women were loving the attention. I can remember the corridor one laughed about it afterwards.

I can remember walking with a young woman ~28 from the office in 1983 who was a bit tarty and wearing a short skirt. She got loads of leery attention and enjoyed it. A builder called across the road to ask if she'd sit on his face, and she called back , "Why, is you nose longer than your dick?". I called out that I would if he wanted, etc. I didn't know her well but asked her about the attention she got. Just banter to her.

Earlier - Clint Eastwood's "High Plains Drifter" , made in 73, he meets the young woman who'd shouted at him,, and drags her off to a barn while she objects. Could have been over his shoulder. He comes out smug, the hero. I was at my parents & complained about it to my mother. Can't remember what she said, but nothing much. She didn't react much. But then, my father was pretty creepy.
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Remember the ( boring)) black and white minstrall show on telly

Also Al Jolson films ? Think Neil diamond also protrayed Al Jolson in some movie ( on his life)
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