smoking -hypnosis ?

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Yup, twice. Found it the least effective and costliest method but I suppose it's all down to the individual. At the end of the day it's all about willpower. you either got it or you ain't.
I tried it many years ago along with my wife, had no effect on either of us.

After smoking for 45 years, I finally gave up 5 months ago using nicorette inhaler. I can honestly say had min craving.
I tried it .......the hypnotist said ....imagine a tranquil beach with the sea lapping ......I went right under and imagined a ship coming into port old Navy vessel .....HMS Hero.........and the sailors disembarked and I saw one framed by a lifebuoy.......OMG i had to go out and buy 20 Player`s Navy Cut :oops: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Lovely baccy..."Player`s Please" ...indeed they do
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I dont understand why the royal family allow cigarettes to be given "royal" names.


There are others. I think the brand names are a form of advertising. They should be in a white packet with smoking kills messages on 90% of the pack, and 10% for the brand name, written in plain black aerial font. Because then they'd look very appealing to young uns. [/sarcasm] Eventually this will happen. Ciggys will eventually be known as cancer sticks, after the huge health warnings. Sooner the better. :D

Back on topic, my friends mum is a hypnotherapist. Makes quite a bit of money from it. Heard from someone who went to her once, said it didnt work. He said he's one of these people who cannot be hypnotised. :LOL:
my brother in law is doing it at the moment. been off them for 3 weeks so time will tell!
regarding fag packets, you could buy

20 death cigarettes,
the packet was balck with a white skull and cross bones on it

In all seriousness, I have tried everything now - including hypnosis: Allen Carr's book is hypnosis of a fashion, that didn't work, then I bought Paul McKenna's book, complete with a CD that I listened to at bedtime every night for a week.

I am starting to become disgusted with myself, I need to be free but I don't have any idea what to try next.....
ninebob said:
In all seriousness, I have tried everything now - including hypnosis: Allen Carr's book is hypnosis of a fashion, that didn't work, then I bought Paul McKenna's book, complete with a CD that I listened to at bedtime every night for a week.

I am starting to become disgusted with myself, I need to be free but I don't have any idea what to try next.....
Just stop. Lock yourself in the flat for 2 weeks. Just say no.
ninebob said:
In all seriousness, I have tried everything now - including hypnosis: Allen Carr's book is hypnosis of a fashion, that didn't work, then I bought Paul McKenna's book, complete with a CD that I listened to at bedtime every night for a week.

I am starting to become disgusted with myself, I need to be free but I don't have any idea what to try next.....
Know just how you feel. That was me 8wks ago. I used the allen carr book way back in 1991 and i stopped for 3 yrs.. Had a problem and forgot the golden rule and had JUST ONE CIGGY it wont hurt :rolleyes: by the wekend I was on a pack a day. Since then I could stop for about 2 weeks (after a lot of arguing with myself :oops: ) but then found myself back on em , making that same fkn mistake 'just one'.. think thats the secret. lol. Hope you dont have to reach my stage where i was coughing and hacking up so much my body wouldnt accept anymore fags for a few days :rolleyes: But this time after I started to feel ok again (sic) instead of having a fag I got some patches. (Tried them years ago but the willpower wasnt there ) and I have to say they did work this time with the willpower, still need the willpower, still get that slight crave but it goes very quickly when I say to myself nah one fag and soon i'll be on 20 a day again. and get quite a kick when I realise I gone another day without and all that tax I havent paid lol.
Forgot to put patches on some days , realised I was doing ok without so now patch free as well.

Yes it worked for me.

You need to really want to stop it's no good going in halfhearted.Kids are a good reason to quit.
I wasn't convinced that it had done anything after the first session (of 2)but here I am 10 years on and not had one.
The best thing is it doesn't replace the craving with the need to eat food or sweets (I stopped once and ate a packet of Victory V's a day!)
So go for it! If you can go six months without one you will have it beaten.
Good luck.

Worked for us to.

SWMBO and I gave it up together in June 2006. She was on 40/day for 40 years. I was on 25g pipe tobacco a day and had been smoking for 50 years.

We had the benefit of an ex-smoker as a counselor at our local docs and as we both turned 60, got free patches and inhalers. Can honestly say it was much easier than we feared BUT both put on 1.5 stone!

Most powerful expression in the handouts we got given to read
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