A lot of people won't be able to go back because they will have children to look after until the schools go back.
Not a very well thought out plan to be honest.
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For many people turning up at work tomorrow will be impossible, without prior talks with their employer, concerning many issues.

An ill thought out statement from the government.
With the building trade, more so London could they stagger Times.
Let's say 6 am - 12
12 30- 18 30
7days a week on a rotation
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A lot of people won't be able to go back because they will have children to look after until the schools go back.
Not a very well thought out plan to be honest.

I'm taking my 3 grandchildren to work with me.
That will be fun...
For many people turning up at work tomorrow will be impossible, without prior talks with their employer, concerning many issues.

An ill thought out statement from the government.

We all know its not happening tomorrow
We all know its not happening tomorrow
Tomorrow lunch time there'll be a rash of articles about people showing up at work because Boris told them to go in.

Common sense is normal, not universal.
If you've been working why would you get any lockdown cash? Sounds like benefits fraud to me.

There's loads of fraud going on. Mate lives next door to a window fitter who said he's furloughed, but drives off in his van most days to jobs. He's also the sort of person that moans about the welfare state being too generous.

I bet there's going to be lots of stories after about people getting caught for fraud.
We haven't got

A f in clue

what we are doing

Thats works.

What the fck was that. What about the people with kids who need to go back to school which are closed and cant palm them off to grandparents.

It's all as clear as mud as RnG commented we have a 2nd peak on the way real soon.

Why the **** didnt he say we are staying alert but where we can we must all wear face masks to remind everyone visually as well as reduce contagion.
Are they really so afraid of all stocks not reaching the nhs?
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