Time required to transfer money from on-line account.

6 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
If I make a payment on-line from one bank account to another, how long should it reasonably take before the entry shows in the receiving account?

Thanks for any help. ;)
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Don't know mate,a phone call or e-mail to your customer services would probably get you the answer ,or, you could send me a few bob and I'll tell you when I get it !!!!! :LOL: :cool: :LOL:

all depends on the bank. We were told officialy its 3 clear working days, however when we make a payment for the wages to our employee, who is with the same bank its instant. When another bank is involved it does seem to take 3 days when we get the payment.
Our experience is after 2 days i.e. transfered Monday is received on Wednesday (or does that count as three days??)
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a phone call to customer services ...lol

thats a joke ......just trying to get through too Bombay is a joke with Hsbc,let alone understand what they say ...lol :)
Thanks alot, folks. Yes, it's pretty instantaneous when the two accounts are with the same bank, but I have not made a payment to an account in a different bank previously. So I will give it 'til next week; if it transfers: rejoice :D , or it it fails: loose control of back passage :eek: . Do you reckon they'll add a couple of days 'cos it's Xmas? :)

Moz said:
a phone call to customer services ...lol

thats a joke ......just trying to get through too Bombay is a joke with Hsbc,let alone understand what they say ...lol :)

Moz, try dealing with the CS of the Nationwide in that other outpost of the third world, er...Swindon. Now that lot really put the tit in ineptitude! ;)
My son online with HSBC takes about 4 working days into my Barclays account.

From Barclays to Barclays is the same day unless it's because it the same sorting code(?)
masona said:
From Barclays to Barclays is the same day unless it's because it the same sorting code(?)
No, nothing to do with sort code, same happens with cheques Barclays to Barclays (once deposited = cleared same day)
lloyds to lloyds instant

lloyds to i.n.g. 3 days i.n.g. to lloyds 3 days so same as cheque although the money is "earmarked" after 2 days
WoodYouLike said:
Our experience is after 2 days i.e. transfered Monday is received on Wednesday (or does that count as three days??)

I used to work for RBS, from one bank account to another bank account with a different bank it is usually after 2 working days as described above. You have to watch this over the Christmas period as there are two back to back holidays. Some transfers within the same bank also have a 2 working day timescale, you need to check with the bank if you are moving funds internally.

Payments to credit card accounts can take longer as once it has arrived in the credit card companies bank account it can take the card companies a few days to move it to your card account.

From November 2007 I beleive most banks will have the ability to move your funds alot quicker when you do this online or over the phone, and the 2 days should be reduced down to a few hours.
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