Nation of pet lovers eh?

A properly trained dog ie protection etc should always growl/bark 1st stage first to let you know it's not happy or under threat, then if the situation changes ie
the dog becomes more threatened then the 2nd stage is the attack.
Oh i see.

So lets get this straight.

One bark - be scared.

bark and a growl - shoite yerself.

Brilliant, i feel reassured already.

Stupid kid must have missed the growl bit :rolleyes:

Nothing to do with the kid being stupid.
You state the dog was well trained. Somethings wrong, so it wasn't well trained in every aspect.
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That makes sense Seco.

I've seen that first stage in a dog recently at a place we were working and I knew when too back off.

A dumb copper the previous year didn't though and he ended up in hospital. He then tried to have the dog put down but failed. You should have seen the size of this dog.
Ended up the dog was just a big softie and we was hand feeding him before the day was out.

Just too bad the copper decided to feed the dog his fist. :LOL:
it wasn't well trained in every aspect.
So for a gsd to be safe it needs to be trained in "every" aspect.
Otherwise it will bite people, yes?

Does the average dog owner have the time wherewithal to do this?

It seems to me like being a dog owner is more of a chore than i first imagined. No wonder so many of them end up in skips.
Wow you are a bright spark Norcs!

First this...
It's always best not to have pets when you are in financial difficulties.

Now this...
I've seen that first stage in a dog recently at a place we were working and I knew when too back off.
Most people would have gone up and cuddled a big vicious dog that was growling at them. Not now though eh.

Any other pearls of wisdom? Some of your little nuggets are priceless.
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Just goes to show what really comes first. Holiday abroad or the it is then!
You're just thinking about yourself :!:
I'm thinking logically. Some so-called pet lovers will sort the holiday, sort the flights, sort the holiday cash, sort the holiday clothes, sort the holiday transfers then say "oh, wot do we do wiv fido?" :rolleyes:
To be honest I don't know anyone with their pets around here are saying this.
Oddly enough, we babysit their dog on occasions though. The kids are real excited initially and give him loads of attention, then gradually you see them shunning the dog when he keeps coming for a fuss, once the first day excitement wears off.

Not a good sign.
Maybe it's your family and you're not confident of them looking after pets and I don't blame you for that.
So for a gsd to be safe it needs to be trained in "every" aspect.
Otherwise it will bite people, yes?

Not necessarily be aggressive or bite, But it is still a wild animal and that is the only way they can defend theirselves if in trouble.
But with any dog you need to be the alpha in the pack.
And set the boundaries and limitations or the dog will if your not the leader.

I've had 2 GS before my dobies and they where lovely dogs as pets and to work with like any working dog they need a job or they get bored and the problems can start.

Does the average dog owner have the time wherewithal to do this?

No time, knowledge, patience

It seems to me like being a dog owner is more of a chore than i first imagined. No wonder so many of them end up in skips.

If you see it as a chore or not have the time patience then a dog is not for you.

Depends what rewards you want from owning a dog
I've spent hours with some people and they just give up.
You got friends, a job, hobbies.
A dogs only got you to provide it's love, fun, exercise.
noseall wrote

Most people would have gone up and cuddled a big vicious dog that was growling at them.

Maybe thats what the copper tried to do eh?. :LOL:

When do you don your moses sandals then for the yearly trip to spain?
You'll be well amused in the nightclubs gyrating with the missus to that gangbang style dance by that tub of lard psy from korea.
Nowhere does it say the dog "loves kids".

So noseall, clearly you aren't suitable dog ownership material, so don't own a dog. And don't look after your mate's dog when he is away.

Problems, problems, problems. It's all you bring. What's your solution?
Ironically it's people like noseall that have dogs thinking they want one only to find very soon after the novelty has gone and end up mistreating them or even throwing them in a skip or from a car, you clearly don't like dogs so please don't ever give in to your wife or kids because I'll fear for that dogs welfare
Nowhere does it say the dog "loves kids".
No, but I'd bet when the owner decided to take fido onto the primary school playground he had no idea that the dog would end up dead and a child scarred for life.

He must have thought the dog was safe around children.

Ironically it's people like noseall that have dogs
Can you not read or are you a

Under no circumstances will i have a pet dog. If however, I was in a position to use a trained working dog then i probably would, provided i had space for a kennel and dog run etc.

I just don't get all mushy around puppies and get annoyed with people who use a dog as a social badge. I just don't have a sentiment for animals in general but I am not cruel.

I dislike a certain side to dogs that are dangerous and attack humans, in particular chavs that like to look 'ard and brandish a dog like a weapon. I particularly do not like idiots who claim their dog is 'safe' along with the words "he wouldn't hurt a fly".

The in-laws' dog is a German wire haired pointer and he is an impressive beast and I don't mind him for a couple of days. Always glad to hand him back though.
Can you not read? I said people like you but you chose to take it out of context to suit your argument
Why would someone.....who has no time for a pet, does not particularly like pets, does not want to clean up pet muck, does not want vets fees or take a dog for a walk, does not want dog shoite all over his lawn or bare pi$$ stained patches, does not want incessant barking, does not want his children exposed to the possible danger of a bite, does not want dog hairs all over his house.....want to have a dog?

People like me do not have dogs.
You have to wonder about peoples wit when they take a big terrier into a school. And by the sound of it no muzzel.
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