President Trump and the State Visit to the UK

Maybe they didn't know which of his promises he would renege on, and which he would follow through.

Has he prosecuted Hilary yet?

Has he provided legal costs for those of his supporters prosecuted for crimes of violence?

Has he published his tax returns?

Has he started building a wall?
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Maybe they didn't know which of his promises he would renege on, and which he would follow through.
What sort of argument is that? "You said you would do some things, and now you're doing some of those things! How dare you!"
I suppose you'll have to contact a representative sample of US citizens, and ask them.
weather we like it or not trump does have significant support fro this policy in the US

a poll this month by Quinnipaic university suggest that he has 48 % voter support for suspending immigration from terror prone regions even if it means turning away refugees ?

(42% are opposed to his stance )

voters were in favour by 53% to 41% for requiring immigrants from muslim countries to register with the federal government.

A white house official sated " The reality is that the situation today in parts of France , Germany, & Belgiumn is not a situation that we want replicated in the U.S "
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:) I see that the EU paper shufflers are getting worried

euro crisis , migrant crisis, resurgent Russia & trump & putin getting along , brexit , A US president & administration who have very little interest in the EU

elections in Holland, Germany & france

The beginning of the end :)
There is a postponement of entry from 7 countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) previously identified by the Obama administration as posing extraordinary risks. That they are 7 majority Muslim countries does not mean there is a Muslim ban, as most of the countries with the largest Muslim populations are not on the list (e.g., Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey and more). Care to comment Johnny boy? (careful what you say)
Do the countries concerned all have majority Muslim populations?

Let me explain.

Hmmm,,,, in the San Bernardino attack of 2015 (google it if you want) one of the perpetrators was Tashfeen Malik, A Pakistani born migrant.. Trump hasn't banned anyone from Pakistan has he?
Maybe the US government (under Obama) knows more about which countries are security risks than you do, John? Or perhaps they should consult you instead?
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