EU divorce bill agreed

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She doesn't, she just discussing things like the rest of us; that's all it is, nothing more. No hidden agenda, just like the rest of us; we just throw ideas back and forth, and it we make mistakes because we've misread something, then we get nicely corrected by the next poster.
You do not discuss thing by inventing what others have said, and make repeated allegations about those invented comments.
That is not discussion It is blatant lies and attempts at character assassination.
Then they deny there own incorrect assertions.
Your own memory is extremely fallible.
Even when their lies are exposed, and their own comments are presented, they do not have the integrity to accept their mistake, or apologise.
It is what the RWR do. It is what they are.

You are making yourself out to be a complete bell end on this one Judith

That's being a little bit harsh Noseall, as it was JD who started the "no demands have been made" argument, and has kept it going ad infinitum. I'm trying to get the two of them to drop it, and you're throwing fuel on the fire.
The post you are referring to -which part do you consider to be nonsense.

All it does is refer to the point scoring childish attitude some here have.
Because we all know how judith will not give up on trying to lie her way out of a hole.
But doggit forgets that, and tries to blame John for continually knocking judith of her perch.
If judith would calmly climb down on her own accord, their would be no need to keep knocking her off her shaky perch.

Remember the PCB thread. Even after I stopped responding, judith continued for weeks trying to justify her stupidity.

Even now, especially **** end and judith like to apply an Arabic slant to my username, as an attempt at insult.
Their bigotry is so indelibly ingrained into their psyche that they simply do not realise it is a manifestation of that bigotry.
And doggit thinks they are wonderfully blameless. :rolleyes:
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it was JD who started the "no demands have been made" argument

But I would say it was triggered by others, who falsely claimed that demands for £xbillion had been made, when they hadn't. All I have done is point out that the claims were false.

I suppose there would be no arguments if false statements were allowed to go unchallenged.

Doggit has three heads.
All I have done is point out that the claims were false.

I know you did, and then you continued to do it ad infinitum. It was the never ending continual droning on about it where you wouldn't let it drop, that became a pain in the arse, and completely unnecessary.

Doggit has three heads

Yes I do, me, myself, and I, and I keep the spare ones in a box when I'm not using them. See, you don't always need to make an argument of everything.
What a ****ing joke.

If someone says you owe them money, then it's up to them to say how much they think you owe, and not for you to offer and keep offering until they tell you to stop.

good point .

90 billion was mentioned at one time , they caved in on that figure . Typical EU tbh

Plenty of EU countries have a history of caving in ;)

yes, some of the anti-EU campaigners threw in all sorts of nonsense.

mentioned on several occasions on radio 4

how many time's do u have to be told ? are u deaf ? retarded ? or what ???????

does not mean "demanded by the 27 remaining nations of the EU"

A newspaper once mentioned that a double-decker bus had been seen on the moon.

That was equally untrue.
notch simply can't stop himself from lying.
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