EU holidays still on the amber list.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
If the EU are more than happy to cut off the UK in terms of trade, why are they whinging about the lack of Brits in the holiday hotspots of France, Spain, Portugal and Italy? Why can’t the Italians, Portuguese and French satisfy the Spanish holiday market and vice versa? I thought they didn’t need us?
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If the EU are more than happy to cut off the UK in terms of trade, why are they whinging about the lack of Brits in the holiday hotspots of France, Spain, Portugal and Italy?
Are they?

Can you cite a source showing that the EU is whinging?

Or is this just the latest in a long and sorry list of false claims youve made?
Infections are rising quite significantly and the new variants seem to get round single dosed victims quite effectively.

I think we are more dangerous to them than the other way around.
I will probably still go and isolate when I return.
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If the EU are more than happy to cut off the UK in terms of trade
Please stop Brexit your Brexit lies.

It is Brexit that has cut the UK off from Its biggest trade partner in terms of trade.

You were warned before you voted for Johnson what his deal meant.
I said plenty of times it would damage fishing, farming, manufacturing.....and so it has
So if the jabs and tests regarding this 'virus' are so wonderfully effective, what's the problem?

So one minute you can go on holiday, next minute you can't...

Of course if you happen to get caught out by another sudden change it'll cost you a fortune...

But as long as people are happy to go along with this carp it'll carry on indefinitely!
If the EU are more than happy to cut off the UK in terms of trade, why are they whinging about the lack of Brits in the holiday hotspots of France, Spain, Portugal and Italy? Why can’t the Italians, Portuguese and French satisfy the Spanish holiday market and vice versa? I thought they didn’t need us?

Are they?
Can you cite a source showing that the EU is whinging?
Captain Nemesis encapsulated the precise untruth in Mottie's comment.
The EU have not mentioned any concern about holidaying British people.
Several countries, that incidentally happen to be in the EU, and Europe, and the UN, and WHO, and NATO, and lots of other organisations, may have voiced some concern about UK not including them on the Green list.
Yet Mottie illustrates how he isolates the EU for criticism when it clearly has nothing at all to do with the EU.

No wonder Brexiteers like Mottie were so easily fooled into voting for Brexit. They were already anti-EU, they just needed a gentle nudge with one or two untruths.
That is why the Brexiteers voted on an ideological issue, not a political nor economic one.

Brexit wasn't the result of a pack of lies.
The lies were a result of an anti-EU ideological belief, which may have persuaded some gullible and wavering voters.
Brexit hasn't stopped the tourists..... Covid has.
If you can't see the obvious connection with Motties false claim that the EU are "whinging" and Brexit, they you're a lot less smart than I took you for.
And no-one claimed that Brexit has stopped tourism. So your comment is a strawman argument.
If you can't see the obvious connection with Motties false claim that the EU are "whinging" and Brexit, they you're a lot less smart than I took you for.
And no-one claimed that Brexit has stopped tourism. So your comment is a strawman argument.

Calm down captain nemesis,

I was making a statement saying that brexit hasn't affected tourism, noseall insinuated that it had.

Nothing strawman about that. I wasn't arguing either for or against brexit, not on motties particular post.

In fact I've agreed that it is not the EU stating such things, it is only 2 individuals have made statements in the press. One is a government official, one the mayor of a town that doesn't have a great reputation anyway.

On this occasion I am not in agreement with Mottie.

However the difference between the likes of me and Mottie and yourself and others on here like you is that we dont mind opinions differing to each other. We don't get all twisted up in Knott's about it, we are respectful to others.
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