Germany wants the UK to remain in the EU

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3 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
It is obvious why...... When the UK leave the EU Germany will have to pay more towards the running costs of the EU.

The question is..... Are the Germans working behind the scene to make Brexit as hard as possible.

Maybe they are covertly sabotaging it in the hope that the UK remains in and continues paying 14 % of the running costs..

The French may also be doing similar for similar reasons
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German public expenditure - approx 340 bn Euros
French public expenditure - approx 450 bn Euros

UK net contribution to the EU - approx 10 bn Euros

Hardly a big financial problem is it!

And don't forget there are 25 other countries to help out...
(not to mention the rest of the EEA)

Maybe Germany et al simply believe in the principles of the EU, and are genuinely sad that 6o million people will lose the benefits ;)
Every sane person would like our country to remain in the EU.

We are so much better as a nation at the heart of Europe.

Countries are banding together to create trading blocs like the EU. Geographically close nations trade more with each other.

That will become the largest trading bloc. 16 countries including China and Japan.

So why are you rejecting every evdence when it comes to trade and economics?
Every sane person would like our country to remain in the EU.

We are so much better as a nation at the heart of Europe.

Countries are banding together to create trading blocs like the EU. Geographically close nations trade more with each other.

That will become the largest trading bloc. 16 countries including China and Japan.

So why are you rejecting every evdence when it comes to trade and economics?

Why don't the EU invite us for dinner and say we want you to stay... What do you want us to do to reform so that the people of you country are happy?
We compromise and we are all happy
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Every sane person would like our country to remain in the EU.

The more members the less each member has to pay to run the back office. German citizens fear increased taxation to pay increased EU dues. It would not be good for the government at the next elections if they are forced to increse taxation because Britain had left the EU.

Countries are banding together to create trading blocs like the EU.

Trading blocks are good, centralised continent wide governments might start out as good but eventually they crumble or they stay in power by using dictatorial policing to put down those opposed to the regime.
Why don't the EU invite us for dinner and say we want you to stay... What do you want us to do to reform so that the people of you country are happy?
We compromise and we are all happy

EU Elections in June will see a lot of reformers win seats. Our timing on leaving seems mad.
EU Elections in June will see a lot of reformers win seats. Our timing on leaving seems mad.

I would imagine these reformers will find dealing the EU hierarchy just as frustrating...
Do they want to change the gravy train.?
You will find that if you looked into how the EU worked with more reformists in the Parliament a lot of concerns will be brought forward.
EU Elections in June will see a lot of reformers win seats. Our timing on leaving seems mad.
I was under the impression that this was because of Britain leaving the EU... not about timing. Happy to be corrected though!
Why don't the EU invite us for dinner and say we want you to stay... What do you want us to do to reform so that the people of you country are happy?
We compromise and we are all happy
As you know, the government of the UK has been able to agree what it wants.

Rather than spend two years negotiating with the EU, our Brexers have spent two years squabbling among themselves.
The Brextremists demand impossibilities and offer only contradictions

There is no chance of an outside body solving the UK's catastrophic shambles.
I was under the impression that this was because of Britain leaving the EU... not about timing. Happy to be corrected though!

Don't follow your point? The EU elections were always set for May and inauguration in June.

Which then gets to the point can we even have elections if we are leaving the EU and want an extension.
Don't follow your point? The EU elections were always set for May and inauguration in June.

Which then gets to the point can we even have elections if we are leaving the EU and want an extension.
The EU elections will go on regardless of UK leaving.
The question is more about whether UK participates in those elections.
It has to if the delay is beyond those elections, otherwise the EU Parliament is not valid.
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