Is a peoples vote likely?

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Why do you think it is "pseudo?"

Because, sure older people are dying off... being replaced by more old people (more in fact than have died).... older people are more likely to vote conservative, conservatives are/we're more likely to have voted for brexit...
I think that when TM's 'deal' is voted out and there’s no option other than a hard Brexit (Let’s stop saying a 'no deal' Brexit because there will be some deal, even if it’s a WTO 'deal'), my bet is that the EU 27 will then find that they can offer something more.
Have you formed this opinion after taking soundings in the 27?
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The leading brexers disagree with you

I think that when TM's 'deal' is voted out and there’s no option other than a hard Brexit (Let’s stop saying a 'no deal' Brexit because there will be some deal, even if it’s a WTO 'deal'), my bet is that the EU 27 will then find that they can offer something more.

Well, not really a betting man, but I'd give pretty good odds against that.
Youve answered 'why not'? ...........

Its because there arent any options available...
In a truly democratic country the people would be asked to see if there is another 'option' available other than that put before them...

It's called the 'status quo' - and the best 'alternative' option...

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The real issue is whether we can have another referendum if we don't like the result of the second referendum. It would undemocratic not to, IMO, especially if it got to a point where MP's were not doing what the people want and all that. Oh, hang on a minute ...
If I was a gambling man, I would guess the most likely scenario is a revocation of A50. There's not enough time for a 2nd (3rd) ref.

John Major thinks revoking article 50 is the only option......

Revoking article 50 can be done by the UK but I think getting an extension needs approval from the 27.

Extending article 50 is tricky due to the forthcoming EU elections.

I wonder if TM will suggest revoking as the alternative if her deal gets turned down.

Has TM considered the strategy between different options and has planned the path we are on?

My thoughts are:
1. The Tory party has no majority and it is split on Brexit.
2. The Tory party has a significant group of Brextremists
3. The referendum was considered a democratic result and the 'will of the people' must be followed.

TM has always ruled out a peoples vote as that would have riled the Brextremists who wouldve got her out.

TM has therefore chosen to negotiate a deal which she has promoted as satisfying the 'will of the people'.

TM has talked up no deal as the only alternative to her deal. That was to get MPs to vote for her deal and marginalise the Brextemists.

The road is now opening up in front of her to get enough acceptance to article 50 bring revoked, or delayed and then a peoples vote. Brextemists csnt now do much to stop that and maybe the public might now accept 'the will of the people' isnt achievable -only option is 'the deal'

The risk she has is of Labour forcing a general election and getting those options. However Labour dont have the numbers.
n a truly democratic country the people would be asked to see if there is another 'option' available other than that put before them...

It's called the 'status quo'

Ok, so you want a referendum with 1 question on it?

Lets us know how that works out for ya :ROFLMAO:
In a truly democratic country the people would be asked to see if there is another 'option' available other than that put before them...

It's called the 'status quo' - and the best 'alternative' option...

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The truth was removed :rolleyes:
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