More Terrorism

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Corbyn actually said he would have preferred that bin laden was put on trial because his killing would create bigger problems...

And lo and behold he was right...

A shame that your brain cell can't understand the facts and continually spews out bovine excrement!

Absolute rubbish and bullsh*t. Were there no killings and atrocities before Bin Bag was neutralised? had he not been neutralised/flushed down the toilet/put through the bacon slicer are you really saying that the world would now be free from terrorism. You stupid stupid man.
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Corbyn actually said he would have preferred that bin laden was put on trial because his killing would create bigger problems...

And lo and behold he was right...

A shame that your brain cell can't understand the facts and continually spews out bovine excrement!
Corbyn is someone who is extremely niave or extremely callous or maybe a bit of both.
Bin Ladin got what he deserved.
Johnson doesnt respect laws has no integrity or honesty.

Clearly youve got them mixed up.

No, definitely happy about that description covering Corbyn.
I thinks he fills those shoes better. :)
Absolute rubbish and bullsh*t. Were there no killings and atrocities before Bin Bag was neutralised? had he not been neutralised/flushed down the toilet/put through the bacon slicer are you really saying that the world would now be free from terrorism. You stupid stupid man.

Oh filly, you are silly.

So you're telling us that after the death of Bin Laden, terrorism throughout the world has ceased.

You are wrong.

You stupid, stupid man.
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Corbyn actually said he would have preferred that bin laden was put on trial because his killing would create bigger problems...

And lo and behold he was right...

steptoe said that did he?
What was he right about then?
Lets see if your single brain cell can make something up.
I read in a news report that the (fake) explosive vest was worn because the nutter knew the police would then shoot to kill and he would become a martyr and go to paradise and be met by the seventy two Ann Widecombes.

Perhaps their religious leaders should point out to the nutters who believe this twaddle that suicide does not qualify as martyrdom.
Any man who dreams about even one Ann Widecombes never mind 72 Ann Widecombes is obviously deranged and needs to be shot.
So you're telling us that after the death of Bin Laden, terrorism throughout the world has ceased.

A child reading his posts would know that he isn't.
Grow up you silly boy.
In a country where guns are not readily available, and violent random nutters don't have semi-automatic rifles, a narwhal tusk is sufficient to overpower a murderer, as long as a Polish chef or other Eastern European immigrant is nearby.
A Muslim Dwarf was detained by police in London on suspicion of possessing small arms.
Blaming terrorism on UK foreign policy is not making an excuse for terrorism.

It is. steptoe had this well perfected all through his ira supporting days. adams, mc guiness and all his other ira friends had him well trained.
Its gullible fools like you who are brain washed by his two faced rhetoric.
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Absolute rubbish and bullsh*t. Were there no killings and atrocities before Bin Bag was neutralised? had he not been neutralised/flushed down the toilet/put through the bacon slicer are you really saying that the world would now be free from terrorism. You stupid stupid man.

A child reading his posts would know that he isn't.
Grow up you silly boy.

Yes, Ryler. Filly is indeed silly and should grow up.
don't be sily. I'm agreeing with you.

JD, perhaps now is the time to conceal your embarrassment, slink off into the night and keep your head down for a day or so, before you make an even bigger fool of yoursen.
Haway man.
"are you really saying that the world would now be free from terrorism."

"A child reading his posts would know that he isn't"

That's right.
It is. steptoe had this well perfected all through his ira supporting days. adams, mc guiness and all his other ira friends had him well trained.
Its gullible fools like you who are brain washed by his two faced rhetoric.

Tories have cut prison service by 40% since 2010.
Oh and police service numbers by 36,000

But Ryler blames it on something Corbyn said 30 years ago.......because he is desoerate to deflect blame.
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