Off topic. Bring it here.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Yep, bring all your off topic arguments here, carry on to your hearts content and refrain from getting threads locked. Simple. :)
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Simple enough for the persistent posters that spread their private and political squabbles throughout the rest of the forum, including the gas forum, I hope.
Yep, bring all your off topic arguments here, carry on to your hearts content and refrain from getting threads locked. Simple. :)
Especially as Himmie is now posting concurrently as Scarlet Pimp and Captain Nemo.
Especially as Himmie is now posting concurrently as Scarlet Pimp and Captain Nemo.
Notch7 has joined with transam to post frequent lies and abusive allegations.
It's invariably such lies and abusive allegations that result in the threads being locked.
But occasionally such locked threads save some posters from extreme embarrassment.
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Simple enough for the persistent posters that spread their private and political squabbles throughout the rest of the forum, including the gas forum, I hope.

Your well represented in the Gas Forum.... I'll ask them to introduce themselves to you.
I've not seem you mentioned
Others have, and have commented on it.
Usually my posts with such references, are deleted extremely quickly which would suggest how accurate they are. As are the original posts from those that have commented.
Others have, and have commented on it.
Usually my posts with such references, are deleted extremely quickly which would suggest how accurate they are. As are the original posts from those that have commented.

I don't follow your posts so I would not know....
I don't follow your posts so I would not know....
It wouldn't be my comments in the gas forum. :rolleyes:
There does seem to be a concerted effort going on to spread false allegations and make unwarranted abusive accusations about me.
Transam has always been spreading false allegations, and lies, but recently, JohnD, Notch7, ReganandCarter, fillyboy, sxturbo, annd stivino appear to have joined the throng.
Although a few of them have been guilty in the past of lies and false allegations.
Maybe that was the discussion that was going on that I don't have access to read?
Is Englands football success due to Brexit.
The last time England won a major football tournament was 55 years ago, The UK wasn't in EU then and now with England on the verge of winning another major tournament the UK is not in the EU this time either.
Is it just a coincidence?
Is Englands football success due to Brexit.
The last time England won a major football tournament was 55 years ago, The UK wasn't in EU then and now with England on the verge of winning another major tournament the UK is not in the EU this time either.
Is it just a coincidence?

Brexit completely justified by last night's result | The Daily Mash

A BREXITER hopes to hear no more foolishness about the wisdom of leaving the EU after last night’s England game.

For Wayne Hayes of Peterborough every English goal in this first proud, independent, sovereign Euros has been another nail in the Remain case’s coffin, if you look at the facts.

He said: “1966. We weren’t in the Common Market. We won the World Cup.

“1968. Our resolve was weakening and we lose shabbily to Beckenbauer. 1970, they knock us out of the World Cup. 1973 we join the Common Market and never win again.

“2021, we’re out of the federal European superstate and breathing free, and we bloody marmalise them. Now you’re not claiming that’s coincidence.

“All those losses. All those years. It could have come home on schedule in ’96. We’d have had the confidence after winning the shoot-out and the Cup in ’90. Everything the Germans have ever won was rightfully ours all along.

“From now on, anyone who says anything bad about Brexit is saying they want England to lose. And I’m not having that.”
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