Out of Repect I ask Remainers to Refrain from posting in this thread

10 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
Since the September 2016 Referendum result was announced this Government, ably assisted by Her Majesties Loyal Opposition have done every thing in there power to thwart the result.

Since September 2016 those who used their Democratic vote to show they want to leave the EUROPEAN UNION have been paying the wages/expenses of those in Parliament and in the media who are becoming increasingly brazen in trying to reverse the vote/have a second referendum.

My point is this, we, the leave voters have no say as to how our taxes are being mis-used

However what each of the 17.4 million who placed their cross in the "OUT" box can do is make the decision to give financial support to People and Parties who are fighting your corner.

If 17.4 million people gave one pound each the effect on the current occupants Parliament and the House of Lords would be catastrophic.

Similarly, if you would like to stand on the pavement out side number 10, but due to family/job commitments are unable to attend rallies/marches/demonstrations please consider partially sponsoring the cost of some else's train fair.

The cost of travelling fr the North West to London on the 12th March is something I can not afford to do often.

Certainly not as often as these Antifa people turn up at a moment's notice that's for sure.

So please try to either organise a dozen other like minded people to chip in a small amount to send some one to hold up a placard stating that they and the dozen people who sponsored their trip from Up North wish to leave the EUROPEAN UNION
as promised.


Send your small, but very significant, donation to one of those organisations or individuals who are fighting our corner.


Thanks to Mfatic for his proof read
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If 17.4 million people gave one pound each the effect on the current occupants Parliament and the House of Lords would be catechism!
A catechism? You sure?

The cost of travelling fr the North West to London on the 12th March is something I can not afford to do often.
You only need to do it once a year. Can you not afford that?

Send your small, by very significant, donation to one of those organisations or individuals who are fighting our corner
To fund your once a year trip to the smoke?

Sorry. I'm feeling mischievous.
A catechism? You sure?

You only need to do it once a year. Can you not afford that?

To fund your once a year trip to the smoke?

Sorry. I'm feeling mischievous.

Your just being a t!t t'night.
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Thread title should read,


Since the September 2016 Referendum result was announced this Government, ably assisted by Her Majesties Loyal Opposition have done every thing in there power to thwart the result.

Since September 2016 those who used their Democratic vote to show they want to leave the EUROPEAN UNION have been paying the wages/expenses of those in Parliament and in the media who are becoming increasingly brazen in trying to reverse the vote/have a second referendum.

My point is this, we, the leave voters have no say as to how our taxes are being mis-used

However what each of the 17.4 million who placed their cross in the "OUT" box can do is make the decision to give financial support to People and Parties who are fighting your corner.

If 17.4 million people gave one pound each the effect on the current occupants Parliament and the House of Lords would be catechism!

Similarly, if you would like to stand on the pavement out side number 10, but due to family/job commitments are unable to attend rallies/marches/demonstrations please consider partially sponsoring the cost of some else's train fair.

The cost of travelling fr the North West to London on the 12th March is something I can not afford to do often.

Certainly not as often as these Antifa people turn up at a moment's notice that's for sure.

So please try to either organise a dozen other like minded people to chip in a small amount to send some one to hold up a placard stating that they and the dozen people who sponsored their trip from Up North wish to leave the EUROPEAN as promised.

Send your small, by very significant, donation to one of those organisations or individuals who are fighting our corner

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