RIP my beloved punto

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Last night at 10:10, i was driving along a country lane at 45mph. Approaching a junction where a road leads off from the left, and i was going straight on, therefore no need to slow down. Some completely ignorant tosser was coming down this lane, and overshot the junction, stopping right in my path IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. Upshot is i hit the drivers side of his VW Bora at 40mph. I jammed the brakes on but no way i could stop in time - and it was wet on the road.

Damage to my car was extensive - airbag inflated, bonnet folded in 2, headlights somewhere above the wheels, radiator caved in. I must have blacked out for the duration of the impact because i dont remember the airbag inflating, or even hitting it, i just remember seeing the guy stopping in front of me, and then the next thing i was shouting expletives through the air bag. Strangest bit: before i got out, i turned the stereo off, put the handbrake on, and took the keys out of the ignition (the engine was still running i think).

My mum had been sat next to me, the side that recieved most damage. She was fine, just shaken up, understandably. My dad was behind her, he needed hospital treatment because the force of the seatbelt on his chest had seriously bruised him. My sister, behind me, was fine. I was also fine apart from slight tightness in the chest that only manifested itself when i got home at half past midnight. Also recieved slight burn to the wrist from the airbag inflating.

When we had all got out and calmed down, we knew my dad was in pain, and my sister phoned for an ambulance and police. Ambulance arrived in 10 mins, police took 20 (friday night). During this time, i took a look at the other guys car. Amazing. His wheel was slightly bent and there was a bit of damage to the wing. He was by himself. He emerged unscathed, however it later transpired he had a massive cartoon-style bruise to the side of his head from the side impact.

When police arrived, my mum, this guy, me, and the guys missus (arrived in seperate car) were on the scene, my sister had gone to hospital with my dad. The policewoman took statements from both me and the guy and breathalised both of us: both were clean. He admitted fault.

Phoned the insurance this morning, gave all the details. Norwich union and spoke to someone english :) . When i think about what happened though, it could have been so much worse. What if we hadn't been wearing seatbelts? What if we had also taken my dog to my grans and she was loose in the boot? It really doesn't bear thinking about.


Now i cant get to work, i may have to get a taxi tomorrow, from doncaster to sheffield, i cant get a courtesy car until i take my documents to the cop shop, when i may be able to find the guys insurance company out and get them to send me a car. My insurance is sending an assessor to look at the car to see what damage there is and whether it is repairable (doubtful)

Does anyone know if i will loose my no claims bonus? Will MY premiums go up? afaik, they shouldnt because it was in NO WAY my fault, but then life doesnt work that way does it? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: all this just because some guy misjudged a junction.

RIP my beloved Punto :cry:
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Sorry to hear about the accident, glad it was no worse.

You shouldn't lose your no-claims as it's not your insurance you are claiming on.

You should be able to hire a car right now and charge it to the other guy's insurance co. If you know what company it is just ring them up and ask and if they mess you about tell them you will use taxis until they have agreed to a hire car and you will add the taxi fares to your claim.

If the other driver was at fault his insurance company is liable for your losses and expenses.
at least you are OK (well, not dead). claim on the other drivers insurance since its his fault you cannot get around. and you should take taxi's.... everywhere!
i had the same accident happen to me years ago,but it was a b&q transit van with one of those lift devices on the back of it.i was only doing 30mph but did not have time to take evasive action,apart from mounting the pavement or swerving onto the wrong side of the road,people always say i would have done this or that but when you only have about a second to do anything and you'll spend a second just thinking about it never mind reacting.when i had come to a stop after the massive noise from the airbag and the ringing in my ears the back of the truck was about 1" from my head and the bonnet had just crumbled up like paper as the car got stuck under the van and there was nothing structual to take the impact.the other driver admitted liability straightaway and said he did'nt see me as he did'nt bother looking :eek: the whole crash only lasted a few seconds but it seemed to slow down time and i thought "oh no,this is it"and its true when people say things flash through there minds aswell.never bought a red car since that one. :cry:
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I had a similar accident a few years ago when I crashed into someone else when they pulled out of a junction in front of me. The other party admitted fault at the time. As I was only 18 and insured 3rd party fire+theft at the time, I was not allowed to get my own hire car, in the end I had to take out a loan and buy another car. Thankfully I had paid the legal expenses premium so the solicitor / medical examinations etc were covered. The other persons insurance did not pay up (for the car) until I discovered the other person had been up in front of the magistrates and prosecuted for driving without due care and attention (the other parties insurance wasn't readily upfront in revealing this detail either). Thankfully this meant they were 100% at fault an had to cough up, and I kept my full 1yrs no claims bonus. All in all, it took about 4years to come to a full settlement, so be ready for a long drawn out process.
My advice to anyone in this type of case is to talk to your insurance company / solicitor before running up any additional costs as you may well find yourself out of pocket, if you are insured fully comp you may find your own insurance company will give you a hirecar.
Thankfully I've never been involved in anything potentially hazardous to anyone's health...

However I'm still pursuing an insurance claim against a minicab driver who reversed into my car back in January (which was parked and unattended, outside my front door). The police lost the paperwork (this is what I get for increased council tax rates?!), and by the time they admitted it and allowed me to re-report, the 6 month CPS deadline had passed. So, my insurance company is still pursuing the guy but of course he just keeps denying it.

I even have 2 independent witnesses! :eek: I'm all for the police, but seeing as they currently have a 100% incompetence rate for me I can appreciate why some people think they are totally useless.

All because this guy doesn't want to have to pay for his own mistake, did he think I wouldn't mind driving my car around without a freakin' bumper?! I've seen the car that did it twice since then: the first time he was driving at 70mph down a residential road, the second time he was coming the other way and cut someone up on a roundabout, nearly causing a crash. Yet his argument was "it couldn't have been me, I'm a safe driver!" :evil:

Renewal time in about a month, hopefully I won't be back to zero no claims, because I had the sheer audacity to be born with testes.
i am fully comp, but not sure if i'm entitled to a hire car, as i didn't select the "courtesy car" option, i wasn't planning on having any accidents . . .

But they should give me one, since i need it for work, and they can claim the costs back from the other guy's insurance since it was his fault . . . I will phone them up when the "office is open" since between now and 10am it has closed. :confused:
Not criticising your style of driving at all......

It is incredible how much I have learned from an ADI about safer, defensive driving. You learn to anticipate other peoples mistakes, and "read" the road by keeping a sharp eye out for road signs (is there a junction ahead? Maybe I should slow down a bit... etc)

I have improved my driving and are more able to be ready for stupid mistakes made by other road users.

Try it!!

We could all benefit from this training!
I do anticipate stupid mistakes, you have to when you drive to Sheffield, but this guy that pulled out in front of me, that was more than a stupid mistake. He thought his road ended further on than it actually did, and ended up stopping in my path, right before i hit him. Nobody could have anticipated this, and by the time i realised what was happening, it was too late, i just slammed on the anchors, instinct reaction, skidded into his car. Could have happened to anyone.

The junction in question is actually at the bottom of a slight incline, on a stretch where people tend to speed up for the incline (i usually do) and i would have been going faster (50) if i didn't have all my family in the car (too much weight for a 1.2l engine)
Sorry to hear that you had an accident Crafty, they are never pleasent whether people are injured or not..but I am pleased there is one less Punto on the road...

I HATE PUNTO'S, FIESTA'S, and all small cars of this type.

Normally (not always) they are driven by complete morons who seem to think they are the fastest car on the road and that they can do what they like..especially on Motorways were they insist on blocking the middle and outside lanes with their stupid little cans.
Big_Spark said:
Sorry to hear that you had an accident Crafty, they are never pleasent whether people are injured or not..but I am pleased there is one less Punto on the road...

I HATE PUNTO'S, FIESTA'S, and all small cars of this type.

Normally (not always) they are driven by complete morons who seem to think they are the fastest car on the road and that they can do what they like..especially on Motorways were they insist on blocking the middle and outside lanes with their stupid little cans.
dont stereotype, it is dangerous. i am a considerate, careful driver, not a boy racer. My mate drives a fiesta, and he does block the outside lane of motorways (his belief is that he is doing 80, nobody should be going faster than him, i have told him the error of his ways but he doesn't listen, like talking to a wall). You dont hate puntos and fiestas, you hate their drivers, however not all of these cars are driven by idiots, in fact the vast majority are probably driven by careful, considerate drivers like myself.

My grandad's got it just about right: you can be the safest driver on the road and still have an accident, its other people you have to watch out for. Hard to believe my grandma's been driving for 40 years and not had an accident involving another car, and here i am, 2 years after passing my test, in quite a major smash.
Twas written .... You could not have missed that rendezvous with fate, no matter how crafty ... ;) :(
Ah, Jim's got a new nick :D

I have encountered a junction (possibly like this one) in Wiltshire. You drive up a main road country lane, and with no warning it joins another main road. You can't see the other road from the approach and there is no sign warning you of an impending give-way situation. You don't see the other road until the last possible moment, and that was in the middle of a sunny July day! I was able to stop with distance to spare, but it was uncomfortably harsh braking and would have made any passengers a bit nervous.

In this country we have the benefit of a logical, well thought-out, standardised road and signage system and have done for many years. So when you do come across the odd silly bit then it can take you by surprise. Couple it with other factors such as talking on a phone (even handsfree), fiddling with the stereo, lighting a fag or talking to passengers and you have got the potential for something nasty.
Big_Spark said:
I HATE PUNTO'S, FIESTA'S, and all small cars of this type.
Normally (not always) they are driven by complete morons who seem to think they are the fastest car on the road and that they can do what they like..especially on Motorways were they insist on blocking the middle and outside lanes with their stupid little cans.

Have you thought that some people may only be able to afford a small car?

I would like to add in defence of the small car user that IMHO and driving experiences many of the problems caused on todays road lie with some of the 'big' car drivers who for some reason think they own the road.............and some of their rude and arrogant antics and attitudes on the road are a disgrace!
JulieL said:
Have you thought that some people may only be able to afford a small car?

Also it depends on priorities. I love cars so I will always be someone who spends a good deal of money on a new car... but then other people would prefer to buy lots of designer clothes and have a little shopping car.

To be honest I'm sometimes (not often) envious of my friends and their 60-70mpg little diesels... If I had one I would spend £600 a year less on petrol! Might not sound a lot but that's equivalent to an instant £1000 pay rise.

By the way I was driving round North London today and all the BMW drivers seemed to be having a day off from the behaviour you describe, for once ;)
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