Shamima Begum

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How do you know she is scum, have you met her?

Have you ever heard the phrase "useful idiot"?

It's from the Stalin era. The useful idiot is a stupid person befriended by an enemy and used to do that enemy's bidding.

That's you. We are being invaded and you are feeding and watering those who want to kill us. With everything you, Angeleyes, John D and the rest say and do; all the laws, treaties and agreements that you willfully misinterpret and all the decent British people that you write off as racist.

You will be judged.
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she’s scum , your’e desperate.
Harsh assessment.

I actually feel sorry for her, she was very young and made some monumental mistakes. In many ways I wish she could return and that we could give her that second chance. However, since she has been made into such a high profile media case, she needs to be made an example of, it needs to be shown that if you turn traitor then you're gone and gone for good.

I would worry that if she returned the media would pay a fortune for her story, there would be a book, a film - a multi million heiress in the making - what sort of message would that send out. So sadly, and I do genuinely feel sorry for her, but I can't see how she can never return.
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It this woman gets married, is she entitled to citizenship of her husbands country.
It this woman gets married, is she entitled to citizenship of her husbands country.
If you mean 'if', then there is no entitlement in the UK.

In order to apply there are many conditions that must be met.

I dare say that the following would be relevant!

Good character requirement
The ‘good character’ requirements specify that an applicant for British citizenship must meet certain moral standards. Though the Home Office does not provide a standard definition of what constitutes ‘good character’, the following key areas will be considered by the caseworker in charge of your citizenship application:

  • Criminality
  • International crimes, terrorism and other non-conducive activity
  • Financial soundness
  • Notoriety
  • Deception and dishonesty
  • Immigration-related matters
  • Deprivation
With everything you, Angeleyes, John D and the rest say and do; all the laws, treaties and agreements that you willfully misinterpret
What is your interpretation of the laws, treaties and agreements?
Have you ever heard the phrase "useful idiot"?

It's from the Stalin era. The useful idiot is a stupid person befriended by an enemy and used to do that enemy's bidding.

That's you. We are being invaded and you are feeding and watering those who want to kill us. With everything you, Angeleyes, John D and the rest say and do; all the laws, treaties and agreements that you willfully misinterpret and all the decent British people that you write off as racist.

You will be judged.

What I’ve learnt from social media is posters state stuff about others that really they should apply to themselves.

You are a perfect example……you are a classic useful idiot, youve been manipulated by the right: they make you frightened of immigrants deliberately to deflect away from their corruption.

Trump talked about Mexicans being rapists and murderers - you lap it all up.
I also feel sorry for her, but not enough to want to pay her legal fees. Its never going to be fair when you are being the example to others.

I feel rather more sorry for all the victims of ISIS, particularly the aid workers.
We should be taking a pro-active as well reactive stance on this. It's not ok to engage with terrorists - end of.

I agree that teens are easily influenced and we all have some responsibility one way or another. I feel sorry for all those that are drawn into internet bulls hit. I'm not on any of the popular social media platforms, nor do I want to be. DIYnot is about the only communication I use apart from the odd 'good word' on scrabble.

Parents are as bad with their noses buried in their phones all day.:rolleyes:
Harsh assessment.

I actually feel sorry for her, she was very young and made some monumental mistakes. In many ways I wish she could return and that we could give her that second chance. However, since she has been made into such a high profile media case, she needs to be made an example of, it needs to be shown that if you turn traitor then you're gone and gone for good.

I would worry that if she returned the media would pay a fortune for her story, there would be a book, a film - a multi million heiress in the making - what sort of message would that send out. So sadly, and I do genuinely feel sorry for her, but I can't see how she can never return.
So like the HS of the day (Sajid Javid) you deprive her of her citizenship for her past behaviour and it's 5od all to do with National Security, as is now claimed. That not only makes the UK government duplicitous, but also with the cooperation of the Supreme Court.
So like the HS of the day (Sajid Javid) you deprive her of her citizenship for her past behaviour and it's 5od all to do with National Security, as is now claimed. That not only makes the UK government duplicitous, but also with the cooperation of the Supreme Court.
Snowflake argument.
Andy11 and Munroast are spot on.
If she's allowed in the uk she'll end up being a celebrity sending a clear message to kids: the more you f#ck up, the more you'll be rewarded.
She must stay out, she's a terrorist and a security risk for the uk.
Snowflake argument.
Andy11 and Munroast are spot on.
If she's allowed in the uk she'll end up being a celebrity sending a clear message to kids: the more you f#ck up, the more you'll be rewarded.
She must stay out, she's a terrorist and a security risk for the uk.
If she's a terrorist she'll be tried in court for her past behaviour, and sentenced to imprisonment, she'll not be in any position to make money out of her predicament.
If she's a security risk, she'll be subject to strict controls.
She has been made into a 'Ned Kelly' by UK decision to strip her of any statehood.
In addition, I'm sure the courts have some power to ensure that any money she makes (if she makes any) is diverted to a worthy cause, like papering someone's flat.
Must admit that depriving some one of there citezinship as a punishment is in principle a good idea IMO

same as deportation only slight technical problem is were you deport them to :confused:

I would kick loads of people out of the UK
Must admit that depriving some one of there citezinship as a punishment is in principle a good idea IMO
It's not a recognised UK, nor international punishment.
Indeed, it's illegal to make someone stateless.
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