70 ,000 NHS

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How long did the trials take?
*does a moonwalk *
Calpol is more dangerous than the Covid jab, given the amount of vaccine administered in the last 12 months. Are you awaiting a 10 year trial before you are brave enough?
How long was the trial period for these millions of vaccine tests that you have referred to?
You seem like you should know the answer to that simple question

It wasn't and didn't need one specific trial for that unique vaccine, because it was just a development of existing vaccines of a well known tried and tested principle. The tests were more of ability to effectively deal with covid. Millions of people taking the vaccine and the difference it has made, confirm it was the correct decision.
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The NHS staff that are unvaccinated have the upper hand, and they know it.

The NHS is short staffed as it is and struggling to increase staffing numbers, they won't be able to replace 70k of them
Even if govt back down, a lot will back down and get jabbed.
Speculation, speculation, speculation...
A new programme on BBC1 starting March 2020 and ending...
Many staff may well back down, but realistically the government isn't going to sack that many care workers.

I don't see why not, the NHS employs about 1.5 million people, 70,000 isn't a big deal.

The dilemma is that the general public were 'urged' to be vaccinated to protect the NHS, to isolate to protect the NHS, who do they think they are? Serbian tennis players?. Aside from that, do we really want people in the medical trade who don't believe in medicine?, it's beyond ridiculous, give them their marching orders.
I don't see why not, the NHS employs about 1.5 million people, 70,000 isn't a big deal.

The dilemma is that the general public were 'urged' to be vaccinated to protect the NHS, to isolate to protect the NHS, who do they think they are? Serbian tennis players?. Aside from that, do we really want people in the medical trade who don't believe in medicine?, it's beyond ridiculous, give them their marching orders.

I agree staff refusing the vaccine is counter intuitive to the role they play.

But the NHS can't afford to lose 70k care workers, who will replace them? They already can't get enough
But the NHS can't afford to lose 70k care workers, who will replace them? They already can't get enough

There will never be enough staff and never enough money. What percentage of staff are off self isolating at the moment? 10%? Apparently there are 100 thousand vacancies in the NHS at the moment.
I can't recall a period in my lifetime when the NHS hasn't been in crisis, either through lack of staff, lack of funding or both.
Sack the anti vaxxers, they'll replace them easily enough.
I'm gobsmacked that some can think this is even an acceptable response, let alone an intelligent one.
That's because you've been locked in a French cupboard for too long.
The "some" you refer to, not only have a far superior intelligence than you, and this has been widely proved, but they also have a sense of humor.
Search this word in your thesaurus.
Staff have not been jabbed up
According to the radio news

They all face the sack come April

in one hospital trust 30 midwifes have refused the jab and if they all get the bullet the dept will probably have to shut

imo they will have to step back from sacking em ???

I don't think people have thought enough (or at all tbh) what a mandatory vaccine policy actually means.

It's quite alarming that people can even consider it a rational and sensible policy.
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