IP Addresses thread - strangely turns to a God thread!

I would have thought for you guys the two ways were either the "light and the way" or "hellfire and damnation".

You have no idea what I give/do/donate. You also have no idea what my ultimate beliefs are.

Your lack of a decent debate or reasoning just demonstrates blind obedience to a collective of hypocrites and a sizeable number of dodgy men in funny outfits.

I think you put that over quite well, many thanks from another atheist.
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Which bit of this does Dan Robinson disagree with?

Albert Einstein:

"Your question [about God] is the most difficult in the world. It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations."

After reading the above, the way I understand it is; we should blindly follow a god that no one in our century has ever seen and the teachings from a book that was written thousands of years ago by people that were quite uneducated.

We might be like small children but that is not to stop us learning, if your god is responsible for us being here, then surely the reason he gave us a brain was to think for ourselves and reach for the stars.

As a father myself, I hope my children do better and achieve more than I have done, on the other hand "your father which art in heaven" wants you to kowtow to him on a weekly basis and kiss his ass!
Which bit of this does Joe90 disagree with?:

Albert Einstein
"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. "
I'd love there to be a god. But I'm darned if it has ever generated any moral code.

Never heard off the ten commandments then?

Weren't they written in the Old Testament?

Wow! Six pages since I went to bed. Sorry if the discussion has moved on since I last looked, but I just wanted to give you my take on the Ten Commandments.

Some guy called Moses decided he didn't like all the bad behaviour he saw going on around him (a bit like today, I suppose). So he went up into the mountains, found a couple of decent-sized tablets of stone and thought up some useful rules he thought everyone should live by. He took his hammer and chisel and began carving away. Ten, he thought, would be a nice round number.

When finished, he came down from the mountain bearing his masterpieces. Now Moses was no fool and realised that no-one would take any notice of him, so he told everybody that God had spoken to him and dictated the Ten Commandment which he had copied out verbatim. Being 'the word of God', of course, everybody began to take notice being fully aware of the terrible consequences of ignoring their all-powerful and vengeful god.

Mission accomplished.
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when i do not disrespect anyone's beliefs in their religions or their way of life, (atheism) and so on, for me my logical equation do not add up, as there is a missing link, and that link I predicted is God, and it has now been confirmed by scientists, Higgs Boson is one example. It is an elusive particle, which cannot be seen with a naked eye, but just about be detected in a 100 billion dollar doughnut!

hey presto, you guys really thought God did not exist, fookin idiots.

You call it dark energy, I call it God!

Just like the scientist are saying that to balance their equations, there is almost 85% of invisible matter or energy, they now call that dark matter and or dark energy, hey its the same thing I fookin talking about but i don't call it dark energy, it is invisible energy and is the might of that god the creator, without this energy the universe would not have been formed as such.

every single atom emerged from this dark energy, without its eternal presence, none of us would be here today.
Oh, and I also believe that it is this dark energy that is capable of choosing certain people, to represent Dark energy, (God) giving those chosen few instructions as to what is best for mankind! it is called mind over matter, we are both matter and dark energy as well, we are composed of atoms, some of us chosen ones can represent dark Energy, and act as instructed, if God gave Moses the 10 commandments, how true that can be when Mosses heard the dark Energy speak in his head, mind over matter again. so I still cannot dismiss Bible as a fairy tail.

Again, how the heck do you think I went back to that same Vet after he condemned my cat to die, nothing he could do, who gave me courage and put an idea in my head that it may be worth trying to ask the vet if he tested her Thyroxine levels, and yet that test was never carried out but instead steroids were prescribed. Yes the Dark Energy gave me that courage and idea after I communicated with it through my mind, (Prayed)

it gave me an idea to get off my arse and take my cat back to the vet and challenge him to explore further, if I sat on my back side, that cat would be dead today.
Scientist are good at creating gigantic doughnuts and waste so much energy and resources to discover dark energy, when we can easily communicate with it, seek help, we must be tuned to the vibrations of this dark energy, or it won't hear us. Everything in universe works on these vibrations, and harmony, only us humans choose not to because we have been given a free will, we think we know what we are doing and where we are going, but sadly far from it, we still don't know if our planet is heating up or is it something it does cyclically.
Dark energy is god?

Why didn't you say so at the start? :rolleyes:

Mind you, that implies that he is tangible and measurable.

Which doesn't sit true with the good book and several hundred other religions.
...there is a missing link, and that link I predicted is God, and it has now been confirmed by scientists, Higgs Boson is one example. It is an elusive particle, which cannot be seen with a naked eye, but just about be detected in a 100 billion dollar doughnut!

God is a Higgs Boson? I was always led to believe he was a bit bigger than that.
Dark energy is god?

Why didn't you say so at the start? :rolleyes:

Mind you, that implies that he is tangible and measurable.

Which doesn't sit true with the good book and several hundred other religions.
God does helps those who seek his true mercy, prayers offered through one's heart and in full faith, .

Nice of god to make your cat better. Why does he let babies die. Remember when you make up your excuse that he did by your own admission save your cat. Loon.

What about those babies he saves as well?

What about the price of fish? I asked about all the ones god lets die whilst he saves your cat.
Sat on the a206 at the moment. Was in the office yesterday.

Instead of waffling and avoiding the questions try and answer them.

Selective acceptance of the old testament?
Babies punished for the sins of their fore fathers?
Lack of freewill? In which case how can we be punished for sins we had no choice in committing?


Some of us can do more than one thing at a time. And holding a debate with you isn't the most taxing thing i have to do today.
Dan, you are really wasting your time. Religious people have an inbuilt mechanism which blocks out anything tricky or uncomfortable. Let me explain. There is no evidence for god. If you ask for evidence you will be quoted the bible like it's a real life story - the truth. Any Christian will tell you the bible is the whole truth and readily quote from it as proof of the existence of god. But the bible also liberally encourages many things that Christians claim to be against. Such as; general killing, murder, mass murder, adultery, paedophilia, animal cruelty, sacrifice, revenge, hate, rape, theft, incest, war, slavery, jealousy. You really could go on and on here! Challenged on this the bible is now not the whole truth - the bible is denied. Challenged on why the bible gets so much wrong about the Earth, planets, the Sun, the Universe. Again this is not the whole truth - the bible is denied. But the second you mention evidence of god or what jesus did, or whatever, the bible will once again be quoted at you like it is the absolute unfallible truth. Like the previous conversation didn't even happen. So you can't win.
I`m still laughing at the statement by norcon that atheists killed more in 100 years than religion ever has , got to be most stupid statement i have ever seen in here
Dark energy is god?

Why didn't you say so at the start? :rolleyes:

Mind you, that implies that he is tangible and measurable.

Which doesn't sit true with the good book and several hundred other religions.

we may be able to make a wild guess and quantify him, still i think it would be just a wild guess at best, and way out. Higgs Boson is part of the fabric of God himself, or the dark energy itself, let us remember why it is called dark, thats because we can't see it and how it is distributed, and so when we cant see it, or we don't know how far does the space extend, beyond the universe, how could we then quantify him?

I have always said God was some kind of energy, not only that but master source of all energies, it may include into this so called spiritual energy, which we don't fully understand, that is mind over matter type of phenomenon, that gives dark energy its ability to communicate with humans, or even animals, who knows? or target certain chosen people.

In other words all energies that we know of and are responsible for the creation of universe and all the matter within it, were composed from this dark energy, some of which transformed into matter, so as to enable us to exist in our physical form in a material universe or a cocoon that supports physical life.

And I think many religious books may have been written through misinterpretation of thoughts (communication) between man and dark energy, thus why we often think how weird some of the statements in various religious books are.

hence why I object to belong to any one religion, because I cannot understand why God would ask his followers to sacrifice animals, a God who is so mighty and powerful needs animal blood?

So all this strange and nonsensical statements does not mean God does not exist, at times it seems that yes religions were indeed man's own interpretation of God's thoughts projected towards chosen men, who in turn misinterpreted and purposely added bits of their own that interested them and not God and used his name to cover it up.

Circumcision is one example, and I often think someone ordered his followers to practice this because that is how he wanted to see all people with chopped willies, and not God himself.

Most other mainstream religions don't practice mutilating sexual organs in men as well as in women as still performed in some African countries.

The bottom line is no one knows the truth.
Which bit of this does Joe90 disagree with?:

Albert Einstein
"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. "

None. Like Einstein I'm an agnostic.
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