IP Addresses thread - strangely turns to a God thread!

JBR, I wouldn't have thought that when God created universe and all life within it, that he could further interfere in its make up, hence why he would not come down to earth himself and sort out all our problems, he gave us the brains to do it for ourselves, that was his plan obviously, just as you would design a boiler, device a gas valve that would be 5th generation gas valve designed by a bloke called dan Robinson, using a pentium based processor to give a precise amount of gas required to burn exactly according to the amount of oxygen present in the combustion chamber, and according to the hot water demand, emitting zero co and little unburnt products, and poor dan can't do sod all when things go wrong with the processor, it freezes with a bug, and the 5th Generation Gas valve is condemned as very unsafe as it gets jammed in full open position and the bloody thing overheated and you got red overheat light comes up.

So yes most of the cancers are man made, created by our pollutants and our industry, think about how much asbestos is floating around from years of use of asbestos in car brakes shoes and pads and clutch plates, that dust is still lingering on today despite the use of asbestos is now banned. And other household chemicals, nuclear bomb tests, and so on.

If I see a boiler fitted with an asbestos seal, I would remove it out completely and reseal it with my own home made seal made out of high grade silicone! but Mr Robinson wouldn't know first thing about silicone! :LOL:
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I thought Heath Robinson was the Mother of all inventions. :eek:
If I see a boiler fitted with an asbestos seal, I would remove it out completely and reseal it with my own home made seal made out of high grade silicone! but Mr Robinson wouldn't know first thing about silicone!

Depends if that would constitute modifying an appliance (illegal) or not.

So what about childhood Leukemia? you seem to be skirting that particular chestnut.

You said nothing earlier about MOST cancers.

Can science cure cancers......quite simply nope. Cancer is not a disease hence it cannot be cured. cancer is a result of defective genes,caused by man made abuse of substances and other things

Your stupidity is almost biblical.
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It depends on what one defines a "disease" to entail. The definitions that I've read could quite easily encompass adherence to religious mumbo jumbo as a disease.
JBR, I wouldn't have thought that when God created universe and all life within it, that he could further interfere in its make up, hence why he would not come down to earth himself and sort out all our problems, he gave us the brains to do it for ourselves, that was his plan obviously:
So God created us full in the knowledge that we would mess up. Hmm, not such a great designer after all then?
JBR, I wouldn't have thought that when God created universe and all life within it, that he could further interfere in its make up, hence why he would not come down to earth himself and sort out all our problems

I've heard this many times before from religious zealots. When something good happens, for example when someone is cured by visiting Lourdes, it's God's work. However, when bad things happen it's all our own fault due to our God-given free will!

So yes most of the cancers are man made ... nuclear bomb tests, and so on.

When people talk about nuclear bomb tests (and similar things) it makes me laugh. Natural radiation accounts for the vast majority of radiation exposure: such things as radon from the ground, cosmic rays and radioactive emission from granite. Didn't God put them there? :LOL:
Mike, you could substitute "magic pink frog" for the word "god" in all that you say, and it wouldn't change how much people believe what you say...

Something happened a few billions years ago... no doubt..... I accept that an am in awe at the consequence of it... love my life, but am diappointed in other humans.... especially those with a religion... why do you need a religion?

Put it down for a while and see if your life is different... it won't be !

Praying is for fools.... because this god you talk about left many millions of years before you existed.... why would it care about your prayers?

Your god is simply your answer to your insecurities !!
religion is the cancer of today's society ! medicine cures many things... (surely god would know about vaccines and treatments?)

but as much as we mend people... others kill them in the name of a god... ridiculous !
Religion is not the cancer of the society, industrial revolution and technology is , for definite, ever since the industrial revolution, man made weapons, and has caused immense destruction the world over, religion brings peace when it is obeyed properly,it is the disobedient who have caused mayhem, and given religions a bad name.

If it was not for religions, most of this earth would have been obliterated, 95% of the population of earth believes in some form of religion and fear of unseen God, not to say that he does not exist, and stepping outside religious rules, if this fear was not there, there would have been total carnage on earth, even children as young as 5 years olds can possess and run guns (industrial device) and have been seen to do so in war torn countries.

So those who don't believe in a Creator, have limited concept, and I am afraid, it is beyond their comprehension, and there is nothing anyone can do to convince them, it is like a blocked heat exchanger, heat does not penetrate the heavily clogged water pathways, and it is the same, with modern education based some stupid fool, who thought we emerged from the Apes, may be quite possible this fool emerged from an Ape grandmother.

I am not actually surprised some of us not only behave like apes at times. makes me wonder if darwin was right, may be we did come from Apes, seems that way at times.
So those who don't believe in a Creator, have limited concept, and I am afraid, it is beyond their comprehension, and there is nothing anyone can do to convince them, it is like a blocked heat exchanger, heat does not penetrate the heavily clogged water pathways, and it is the same, with modern education based some stupid fool, who thought we emerged from the Apes, may be quite possible this fool emerged from an Ape grandmother.

I am not actually surprised some of us not only behave like apes at times. makes me wonder if darwin was right, may be we did come from Apes, seems that way at times.

Can't make head nor tails of that waffle.

Tails - now there's a thing. Hippos were whales long before Moses took up boating for a past time.

You still haven't explained why things like hereditary ovarian cancer and childhood leukemia are man made sins caused by substance abuse.

Or is your god given free will allowing you to ignore things that show your beliefs to be misguided at best.

Funny how boilers didn't play a part in your pathetic attempts to complain about Microsoft's security policies. I've managed to maintain a secure hotmail account for 15 years without managing to lose my details. God must have been looking down upon with me with grace :D

Or perhaps I just didn't give my details out to some other person like a complete gibbon.

You can try and be as rude to me as you like. But as an apparently unashamed god botherer, it isn't very christian now is it? Turn of phrase by the way. Lord [sic] knows what denomination you are but i have a sneaky suspicion it involves a lot of clapping ;).

Oh and the coming from apes thing? Pretty much confirmed I'm afraid. Now... as another poster pointed out... Something caused the Big Bang. However that something pretty much put its feet up then and there and hasn't done much smiting or forgiving in the interim.
you are on your own kid , find out your own answer for that ovarian cancer, hereditary or otherwise, you think you are very smart kid, you should be able to work that out, it is not God created, it is man made through interfering with nature, why expect God to cure cancer when you do not have any faith in him.

If you did have faith in him, may be he could consider curing it in someone suffering from it if your faith was genuine, and you pleaded with him through your prayers, but dan what do you know about prayers, the techno mind has shut all other forms of beliefs out of your skull, there is no room in it for anything else.

Besides, insulting any religion is like saying you follow that wheel chair bound psychopath, who THINKS he knows how the universe works and how it was created! Can't blame him, if you were wheel chair bound, and did not have faith in a God to possibly heal you through your true prayers, you are going to become a psycho and come up with weird theories!
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