Of Course Brexit is Working

  • Thread starter Deleted member 174758
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Deleted member 174758

Which is why the first post-Brexit cars are going to be German Audis...

WTF happened to British manufacturing?
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WTF happened to British manufacturing?
It was destroyed long before Brexit, by a series of political parties who were more interested in communistic wealth redistribution and donating to other countries than investing in our own people and businesses.
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Nothing to do with wealth distribution (the Germans do that and are still a successful economy), it was Mrs T who destroyed the industrial base i.e. her political opponents base, threw in a few sweeteners (right to buy etc) and here we are over 40 years later and the whole of the north are voting tory.

Nothing to do with wealth distribution (the Germans do that and are still a successful economy), it was Mrs T who destroyed the industrial base i.e. her political opponents base, threw in a few sweeteners (right to buy etc) and here we are over 40 years later and the whole of the north are voting tory.

Far more accurate that some others but to some extent the industrial base destroyed itself often by seeing competition from other countries impossible to beat. ICI and some other biggies are a good example of that, Their CEO's.
Nothing to do with wealth distribution (the Germans do that and are still a successful economy), it was Mrs T who destroyed the industrial base i.e. her political opponents base, threw in a few sweeteners (right to buy etc) and here we are over 40 years later and the whole of the north are voting tory.


Far more accurate that some others but to some extent the industrial base destroyed itself often by seeing competition from other countries impossible to beat. ICI and some other biggies are a good example of that, Their CEO's.

Lol. Germany is a great example of a strong mixed economy with an outstanding industrial based economy exporting everywhere AND high personal taxation, with a health service and education system that work. The politicisation of education and NHS in this country by both leading parties over the last 40 years is nothing short of disgraceful, quite apart from our (non existent) industrial development policies. Brexhit is an opportunity to nurture and support british industries like farming and fishing and the government either does nothing (delays for political reasons) - or goes on about the importance of competition and does pathetic deals with Australia and NZ.

The unions killed it off.
Really? Where did you read that? In the Daily Mail? The previous ministerial cars (Jaguars) were built in the UK and the armour plating work was done here, as well. So what you seem to be saying is that in the past 3 or 4 years or so since the last cars were supplied, the unions have killed off British industry. Like to try again?
Nothing to do with wealth distribution (the Germans do that and are still a successful economy), it was Mrs T who destroyed the industrial base i.e. her political opponents base, threw in a few sweeteners (right to buy etc) and here we are over 40 years later and the whole of the north are voting tory.

yeah it was mrs t who had british leyland and the rest of the uk car industry out on strike at the drop of a hat in 78/9 under both labour and tory BL had 523 walkouts
1978 /79 29.2 Million days lost to strikes yep unions had fek all to do with wrecking british industry
yeah it was mrs t who had british leyland and the rest of the uk car industry out on strike at the drop of a hat in 78/9 under both labour and tory BL had 523 walkouts
So, what you are saying is that strikes in the 1970s are the reason why British industry can, in 2022 - some 45 years later, no longer manufacture armoured limos for HMG, while they were capable of building them less than 5 years ago. Did Red Robbo have a Tardis, or something, so that he could travel through time?

For those whi didn't get it, the question was basically what has happened in the last few years which means HMG can no longer source suitable cars in the UK?
So, what you are saying is that strikes in the 1970s are the reason why British industry can, in 2022 - some 45 years later, no longer manufacture armoured limos for HMG, while they were capable of building them less than 5 years ago. Did Red Robbo have a Tardis, or something, so that he could travel through time?
well everyone seems to have no issues saying it was thatchers fault 43 years later .
Hospital catering staff went on strike

People had to take food into hospitals to feed there relatives

Under takers went on strike

Transport workers came out for a 50% pay rise

Refuse collectors went on strike fears of a cholera out break due to mounting rubbish on the streets
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