Predict the outcome of the 4th July election

29 Jun 2013
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United Kingdom
I think that the outcome will be a hung parliament to max 20 seats majority for Labour
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Labour polling lead will shrink over next few weeks

As for result…’s going to be very hard for Labour to win, it needs a higher swing than 1997 and Starmer, is no Blair figure (not that I liked him)
Difficult one to call, forgetting policy, both are lacking in charisma or personality, neither appear to be a natural leader.
Policy wise the next five years are already mapped out whoever wins, spending cuts vs tax rises, maybe both.
I've recently had doubts about voting for Rishi, I'm not a fan, but I probably will on the balance of probabilities vote for him simply because any alternative will be worse, Starmer will be shape shifting in the next month, he'll become far more pro Palestine despite having an Israeli family to pander to the Muslim vote, he'll make noises about changing our relationship with the EU, that will gain some votes and lose some.

It won't be a landslide either way.
I suppose the over-65s will somehow try to outnumber everybody else.

Can't see it myself.

Your opinion may be coloured by the circles you move in.

chrome_screenshot_22 May 2024 17_19_31 BST~2.png
You can also slice the numbers by region.

Can you see somewhere the Tories are doing well?

chrome_screenshot_23 May 2024 00_36_27 BST.png
I've recently had doubts about voting for Rishi, I'm not a fan, but I probably will on the balance of probabilities vote for him

Correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK Sunak is not standing in a Cornwall constituency, so you won't get the chance to vote for him.

Are you planning to move to Yorkshire?
Doesn't matter who wins the election,the decline will continue.
Mass immigration legal and illegal will continue unabated.
The indigenous populations of Europe are in decline, countries outside Europe have growing populations of young people who want to come to Europe.

Lifespans are up and birth rates are down,the proportion of people of working age in Europe is shrinking while the number of old folks who depend on them is growing, so the shortfall is being filled by immigrants.

While the above is the case, immigrants will be required.
So when the Tories or Labour say they will reduce immigration, they are lying.
Doesn't matter who wins the election,the decline will continue.
Mass immigration legal and illegal will continue unabated.
The indigenous populations of Europe are in decline, countries outside Europe have growing populations of young people who want to come to Europe.

Lifespans are up and birth rates are down,the proportion of people of working age in Europe is shrinking while the number of old folks who depend on them is growing, so the shortfall is being filled by immigrants.

While the above is the case, immigrants will be required.
So when the Tories or Labour say they will reduce immigration, they are lying.
So what is your solution?

And who will you vote for?

All politicians lie, so are you saying there is no point in voting?

But blaming everything on immigration (johnny/jane foreigner) is a fools errand that allows politicians to get away with those lies ;)
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