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"I read somewhere" that people as they get older, tend
1) to move away from the ends of the sexuality scale (towards "pan" (or maybe just "less fussy?")).
2) to find it harder to become sexually stimulated, so can seek a wider or more extreme range of stimulations.

Every survey you look at shows a considerable %age of people are less "straight" than they make out in polite society.
There's also a big chunk who say they're 100% at one end of any such spectrum and sincerely can't imagine how people could be otherwise.

If people think they can get away with things, they're more likely to succumb to animal urges.
Some of the lust is doubtless for power, which is easier with minors.

Behaviour in other all-male communities like schools, prisons, military, show some similarities.
Deluded leaders may consider themselves "entitled", like some like MPs, and other high ranks.

So should it be surprising? Perhaps not. Though 210,000 over 70 years seems a lot.

One of the popes said once: It's not what goes through your mind which matters, it's what you do about it.
Do you think being homosexual is the norm?
That's not a question that could be answered with a simple yes, although it has become normalised and accepted. What is societies' take on 'normal' these days? I certainly don't believe that homosexuality is an ailment that can be cured, like some old duffers and religious nut-jobs do.
No one said it was. It is your use of words which is the problem.

Try another question: Is it normal to have only one leg?
Are you conflating statististical rarity, with a suggestion of undesirability?

Most people are not geniuses. Or plumbers. So you can call them both abnormal. Like murderers and six footers.

To what end?
"I read somewhere" that people as they get older, tend
1) to move away from the ends of the sexuality scale (towards "pan" (or maybe just "less fussy?")).
2) to find it harder to become sexually stimulated, so can seek a wider or more extreme range of stimulations.
I'm sorry.

I have tried to deny my urges, but its no good, I cannot stop giving in. I have to add to that list.

"I read somewhere" that people as they get older, tend
1) to move away from the ends of the sexuality scale (towards "pan" (or maybe just "less fussy?")).
2) to find it harder to become sexually stimulated, so can seek a wider or more extreme range of stimulations.
3) not to give a toss.
That's an odd question.
Most people are not 6 foot tall.
Do you consider 6-footers to be abnormal?
In regards to their height, yes.

This has nothing to do with it being undesirable which is what people seem to think.
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