The tube attack

Why does no-one ever mention Holland, or France, or Germany, or almost any other European country where all the police carry sidearms every day

Because influences, attitudes and trends of the British, tend to align more with the US than Europe. It's not just about the arming of the Police which needs to be compared.
I disagree.
Seeing armed police routinely patrolling our airports worries you?

Only in context of what a complete waste of time it is.
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What is the difference between a terrorist and a nutter anyway,do you need qualifications to be a terrorist.
If someone sets out with terrorist intent doesn't that make them a terrorist even if they are only armed with a knife.
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What is the difference between a terrorist and a nutter anyway,do you need qualifications to be a terrorist.
If someone sets out with terrorist intent doesn't that make them a terrorist even if they are only armed with a knife.

I don't know the answer to that but I do know the difference between a woman and a terrorist..... You can negotiate with terrorists.
You have an armed force and shout "Drop the knife".

Joe in a city of millions of people all crowded together the police are expected to have an armed response unit within ear shot of every person in case they might kick off ?

He's in troll mode and taking the p*ss.

American cops have guns. Do they stop all the dickhe@ds shooting/ knifing people?

I lived in Australia with armed Police for twenty years. It makes sense. No problems.

You must be utterly deluded if you think armed police means "no problems".
It works for the Aussies, and the French etc etc. Will work for us too. Time to get rid of Plod and get some professionals trained up. Plod can go into social work.
Plod can go into social work.

Going by some of the ludicrous decisions not to prosecute by the CPS, I think the vast majority of the UK's police forces are already doing "social work"
How true. A major contributory factor for the amount of crime in this country is lenient punishment. I suppose you can add to that corrupt defence lawyers.

Of course, the strictest punishments will not deter muslim terrorists...
...not with the offer of 72 virgins in the 'afterlife'.
I don't think the majority of lawyers are corrupt, in fact I think most follow the letter of the law perfectly.

Never ask a client if they're guilty or not, just follow their instructions.

I think our legal system is pretty good, it's just the CPS and sentencing guidelines that need a kick up the ass.
A major contributory factor for the amount of crime in this country is lenient punishment .

I don't believe you are right in claiming that the reduction in violent crime over the last 20 years is due to lenient punishment. But perhaps you are.
I don't believe you are right in claiming that the reduction in violent crime over the last 20 years is due to lenient punishment. But perhaps you are.
It's only a statistical reduction (and we all know statistics are manipulated at every chance) Your right about lenient sentencing though and I'm glad we agree on something. Thing is these days , lenient sentencing isn't doing anything for society though (apart from letting criminals receive community sentences, or reducing the sentence so career criminals are back on the street earlier. (doing exactly what they did to get put in prison in the first place) Modern sentencing is a bloody joke. The CPS have no idea how to do their jobs (just look at the Glasgow driver who repeatedly lied to keep his various driving jobs) Yep the CPS served the families of the victims well (not).. Mind you we always have the European Courts to deal with too. They overturn decisions to our detriment (and all too often)
It's only a statistical reduction (and we all know statistics are manipulated at every chance)
Are you claiming now that it has gone up? Or not changed?

Where do you get your ideas from
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