What’s happening to our country

We ultimately get nowhere if we constantly frame these things around a black/brown/white narrative. Look at it this way. Think about one of the white female victims. Think about her life from birth to the point of being abused. In that continuum, she has been let down by a mixture of white and non-white people. For example her parents, perhaps her wider family, social services, education and so on. Of course the horrific part has been conducted by, in these cases, Asian men. However the victim has been let down by white and non-white people alike.
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It matters an awful lot if a sub section of a certain culture considers stupid, young & vulnerable "white" girls to be fair game for a bit of sexy time.

These asian grooming gangs are as close to Islam as the Ku Klux Klan are to christianity. They are NOT true muslims. It is well beyond the time the authorities allowed these predatory paedophiles to hide behind their shields of ethnicity & religion. A predatory paedophile is a predatory paedophile no matter what the colour of their skin is, so why do we create barriers for them to hide behind?

Who creates these barriers?

Are they the fathers of daughters?

No, they are the snivelling left wing scum who seek to help society destroy itself so's they can rebuild it in the image of their hero Karl Marx.
Who mentioned muslims? And since when is Islam a race?
However the victim has been let down by white and non-white people alike.
‘equality’ and ‘inclusion’ were more important than some irrelevant white kids end of.
The fear of being singled out by these professional perpetrators and being branded racist was and still is the emotional lever.
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I’ve read it twice. I must be missing something Can you point me to the bit where it says white gangs targeting Asian girls? Thanks.

"Asian girls are the hidden victims of child grooming gangs, dipping under the radar of police or social services"

"Vulnerable girls and some boys are being sexually exploited by gangs of men but are being missed by the authorities because agencies are too focused on a model of grooming involving white victims"

"The sexual exploitation of Asian girls and young women, suggests that Asian girls, including Muslims, are under-reporting abuse to police and authorities because they fear not being believed, or because they are threatened with bringing shame and dishonour on their families."

Sounds familiar, mottie?

No doubt you'll dismiss this as heresay, but then they said that about saville and his mates...
Not specifically Asian girls, however it can be asserted there were (and possibly still are) white grooming gangs of a sort in the UK. I refer to those who worked in children's homes in decades gone by. There are now numerous documented cases of child abuse carried out in these homes by (white) staff, sometimes acting alone, sometimes with colleagues. So I suppose you could refer to them as gangs. I could probably find it if I looked, I remember reading an article about cases of abuse in the 70's being covered up to protect various reputations.

I'll say again what I said before, the police should investigate all sections of society equally and the legal system should prosecute likewise.

Bear in mind the police, perhaps the met more specifically, will also be aware of their unlawful treatment of black and Asian boys/men in the 60s, 70s, 80s. So rightly or wrongly, they'll be treading carefully.
And I'm not disputing that - they are all disgusting, but you never hear of White grooming gangs specifically targeting one particular race. You do however constantly hear of Asian grooming gangs specifically targeting white teenage girls and no other group. That, in my mind, is either cultural or racial.

Again, how do twenty Asian paedophiles that all live in relative proximity get to meet each other? There must be a common link here? Any guesses anyone?
You do however constantly hear of Asian grooming gangs specifically targeting white teenage girls and no other group. That, in my mind, is either cultural or racial.

Again, how do twenty Asian paedophiles that all live in relative proximity get to meet each other? There must be a common link here? Any guesses anyone?
No one on here can answer that. Only they, the perpetrators, know why. Perhaps as a racial group, Pakistani and Indian men hold their own females in higher esteem than white females. However if true, that would hardly be a trait exclusive to them, would it? Perhaps the high majority of vulnerable females they could target were white? Perhaps they wanted to keep the abuse (in terms of those being abused) out of their cultural and racial sphere to reduce their chances of being found out by one of their own so to speak.

These men are undoubtedly scum and in the wrong for their actions, no reasonable person would dispute that. However, to splash photo montages of brown people on the front of papers etc skews the reality of what's going on (on a wider scale) when it comes to child abuse. Most victims know their abuser, most cases of abuse occur in the home etc.
Again, how do twenty Asian paedophiles that all live in relative proximity get to meet each other? There must be a common link here? Any guesses anyone?
The kebab shop , silly;).
Or how about the taxi rank ?
car wash ?
All usually situated in close proximity to each other.
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"Asian girls are the hidden victims of child grooming gangs, dipping under the radar of police or social services"

"Vulnerable girls and some boys are being sexually exploited by gangs of men but are being missed by the authorities because agencies are too focused on a model of grooming involving white victims"

"The sexual exploitation of Asian girls and young women, suggests that Asian girls, including Muslims, are under-reporting abuse to police and authorities because they fear not being believed, or because they are threatened with bringing shame and dishonour on their families."

Sounds familiar, mottie?

No doubt you'll dismiss this as heresay, but then they said that about saville and his mates...
Details of perps conveniently ommitted.
A link to the source would be helpful.
They are NOT true muslims.
Willing to bet they pray 5 times a day alongside other people of the same faith.
To their minds they are muslim.
Did mcb or any muslim leaders come forward to denounce them?
However, to splash photo montages of brown people on the front of papers etc skews the reality of what's going on
Yes, why splash montages of the likes of Liverpool on the front of papers for getting to the final of the champions league when other football clubs also played in the competition?
It’s not every day 19 men of the same town and religion are convicted of sex offences involving tens of victims. I reckon it should all be brushed under the carpet so we can concentrate on chinese flu.
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