Anyone got any evidence for a god?

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To the best of my knowledge, there is no external evidence of a god, beyond circular, internal , self referential arguments that one must exist.

eg 'I believe that the Bible is God's Word . and the Bible says God exists, therefore God exists'

Evidence needs to be external of the belief system that uses it to support itself eg fossils are evidence that support the theory of evolution.

It would be great if there was actual evidence of a god, afterlife or some spiritual world, beyond the arguments I mention above , but there simply isn't.

This of course allows the believer to say that if you could prove it you would not need faith , so that is why we do not have proof, or worse still quote Augustine's 'proof'.

More than happy to be corrected on the existence of evidence as it would be quite useful now that I am getting on in years.

so are you saying that fossils are evidence of evolution, but at the same time are you discrediting the material evidence of creation, and including the fossil.

You might have a point BnB... I think the Soup Dragon did it all !!! created everything!!

What do you say to that?

so are you saying that fossils are evidence of evolution, but at the same time are you discrediting the material evidence of creation, and including the fossil.

Fossils are evidence to support the theory of evolution.

However, I'm not sure how they are used to support a creationist's theory as per the Biblical timespan of less than 10,000 years ago, given the age of those that are billions of years old, or the creationist's theory that everything was created in 6 days.

To be fair, if the mere existance of things is the argument for a god, then you are not looking for evidence but reverting to one of those circular arguments that I mentioned in my post

'I believe a god made things. I see things that I think a god made; if they are there it is because a god made them, therefore a god must have made them, and that is why they are there'

What external evidence is there that god made fossils , or indeed what is the creationist explanation for them?
God made fossils to show us that we were once primitive creatures in different lives but that we are progressing as we should.
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God made fossils to show us that we were once primitive creatures in different lives but that we are progressing as we should.
You mean fossils that are around 10,000 years old,about the age of the earth?
Speaking as an Atheist, I don't have a problem with people who believe in 'something'.

Indeed, I think the world is a very sh1tty place. So if someone/anyone has found a way to cope with this world, I'm okay with that.

I do have a problem with 'finger waggers' though!

I actually like when someone 'genuine' says to me "God bless you" not because it's something I believe in, but because it comes from someone wishing me, I don't know... best wishes, health, friendship, something from the heart.. love....?

So to that end, as an Atheist, I don't mind receiving or giving the word God as the utmost term of wishing someone the very best of health and happiness.

God bless you Charnwood ;)
God made fossils to show us that we were once primitive creatures in different lives but that we are progressing as we should.

So you are saying that fossils ,including those as yet undiscovered , have been put there by a god. They are not products of a natural process ?
Speaking as an Atheist, I don't have a problem with people who believe in 'something'.

Indeed, I think the world is a very sh1tty place. So if someone/anyone has found a way to cope with this world, I'm okay with that.

I do have a problem with 'finger waggers' though!

I actually like when someone 'genuine' says to me "God bless you" not because it's something I believe in, but because it comes from someone wishing me, I don't know... best wishes, health, friendship, something from the heart.. love....?

So to that end, as an Atheist, I don't mind receiving or giving the word God as the utmost term of wishing someone the very best of health and happiness.

God bless you Charnwood ;)

Nicely put.

I would be delighted if someone could come up with evidence of a god, I have been looking for some time ,but sadly it has never been done.
Who created god then???
The premise of your argument is ill founded by your statement which assumes there is a god. The truth and stark fact of the matter is no one knows. i.e. I don’t know and you don’t know.

The biggest difference between me and those of a faith is I am prepared to do a complete U turn in light of scientific evidence that there is ‘something’ whereas the happy clappy flat earthers wouldn’t believe any amount of proof outside their own small and ignorant flat world. (A bigot, by definition). It is not, however, bigoted to be open minded about any truth, however unpalatable that may be!

I have often wondered what a so-called Christian scientist would do, (contradiction of terms if ever there was), if a discovery he or she makes contradicts their faith. I’m not precious about there being a god or not. Other than knowing what is the truth, I couldn’t care less either way. But I am precious about getting at the truth and dispelling lies. All the happy clappies keep doing is shifting their interpretation of scripture and writings to fit their stupid model.

As I have said before, as an example, instead of dreaming up crackpot story after crackpot story why not instead add to The Bible or any other book of ‘wisdom’ with a simple drawing? Let’s draw one big blob surrounded by a few relatively small blobs and an arrow pointing to blob number three from said big blob. You could have a smaller blob orbiting blob number three. That would have been so infinitely much more useful and give some vestige of credibility to any book of truth and wisdom.

But ooohhhh nooooo.. I guess their primitive implements were only good for writing and espousing complete and utter crap to equally primitive brains.

How incredibly pathetic!
Well said, Big Tone.

As I'm sure has become clear, I am an atheist. However, should any concrete evidence of a god ever come to light, I'm prepared to change my viewpoint. Until then, I must say that I believe there is no god.

That, I think, is different to being an agnostic. I understand that their opinion is that we do not know, or cannot ever know, whether or not there is a god. That sounds a bit like fence-sitting to me!
If I was born 10,000 years ago, I would have bee able to work out that the earth was going around the Sun and that it was round, so ****in obvious!

and That God is Energy and you can't ****in see him! its simple as that !
only the idiots expect to see evidence of God!

wow! i have said this final time.

Fookin use your common sense and logic! :rolleyes:
If you want to decide if there is or isn't a God, then surely as a scientist the last place you would look is in a Bronze age text such as the bible.

Look to science, and like Einstein, you will get a better understanding of something that cannot be understood. Fence sitting? That's what science says you MUST do until the facts be proven. Jumping either way without knowing which is true is actually an act of faith (not to mention trendy), ergo, you hold a faith. It doesn't matter what you choose to call that faith, but it is toally unproven. Agnosticism is the only intelligent way forward.
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