DIYnot run by Brexiteers?

DIYnot run by Brexiteers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
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23 May 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
A simple enough question given that some perfectly reasonable Brexit related topics have been locked, and some perfectly reasonable Brexit related comments have been removed.
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Perhaps it's more to do with the repetitiveness of the threads - one after another after etc etc

And besides, who gives a stuff? :)
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A simple enough question given that some perfectly reasonable Brexit related topics have been locked, and some perfectly reasonable Brexit related comments have been removed.

Any reasonable discussion is allowed.

Personal insults are not encouraged.

Hence why so many of your posts get deleted.

Some people on here dont have the reasoning powers to understand that and keep blaming the moderators for censorship :ROFLMAO:
A simple enough question given that some perfectly reasonable Brexit related topics have been locked, and some perfectly reasonable Brexit related comments have been removed.
Why not do your own DIYnotexit? You'd get my vote. (y)
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First of all, although it would appear that I'm a new member, I have been observing the site for many years.
Although there has been some improvement in the tone of this forum over those many years, in my opinion, it is insufficient progress to warrant any gratification. Indeed the forum started from such a long way back, insofar as bigoted, racist, sexist and homophobic comments are concerned it would have needed a major upheaval to achieved a modicum of decency.

So I'm afraid I would go much further and suggest that the site is run by bigoted people.

I don't know how the mods are recruited, but from simple observation, I would take a guess that each mod is anonymous to any other mod.
I could also take a guess that the longer serving posters are probably mods. I could take another guess that it is not possible for these mods to be banned for any abusive comment, or perhaps their posts cannot be deleted. So it would not be difficult for a mod to work out who the other mods were because they would enjoy some extra privileged protection.
There may be another possible explanation in that a significant number of thanks may grant some with privileged protection.

So if some of the mods, or these 'protected' posters were bigoted and regularly make abusive or bigoted comments, these comments stand and set the tone for the site and/or this forum.

Finally, it would appear that the site is heavily subscribed by plumbers, probably because of the benefits of the CC forum. If some of those plumbers are bigoted, regularly make bigoted or abusive comments, and they are defended and supported by other plumbers, then the tone and standards of the forum will be frequently reinforced.

Admin need to take a serious look at the mods, or these 'protected' posters and their ability to moderate fairly, with a balanced and non-prejudicial outlook, or to set the tone of the forum.
Finally, it would appear that the site is heavily subscribed by plumbers, probably because of the benefits of the CC forum.

Why would a qualified and competent plumber or other trade need to use a DIY forum for obtaining advice on how to do their job.

If some of those plumbers are bigoted, regularly make bigoted or abusive comments, and they are defended and supported by other plumbers, then the tone and standards of the forum will be frequently reinforced.

The number of "Thanks" issued to friends in the Combustion Chamber gives a false impression of how useful the gas members are to the general DIY people who come to the forum seeking for advice.
Why would a qualified and competent plumber or other trade need to use a DIY forum for obtaining advice on how to do their job.

I imagine professional trademen use this and other forums for advice as well as imparting knowledge.sharing ideas and knowledge is beneficial to diyers and pros alike.

I understand the CC has a database of boiler models which would be useful.
Why would a qualified and competent plumber or other trade need to use a DIY forum for obtaining advice on how to do their job.

Lots of inside info from guys who work for manufacturers. Technical stuff that the manu's like to keep secret.

Obviously a real knowitall never uses reference material.
First of all, although it would appear that I'm a new member, I have been observing the site for many years.
Although there has been some improvement in the tone of this forum over those many years, in my opinion, it is insufficient progress to warrant any gratification. Indeed the forum started from such a long way back, insofar as bigoted, racist, sexist and homophobic comments are concerned it would have needed a major upheaval to achieved a modicum of decency.

So I'm afraid I would go much further and suggest that the site is run by bigoted people.

I don't know how the mods are recruited, but from simple observation, I would take a guess that each mod is anonymous to any other mod.
I could also take a guess that the longer serving posters are probably mods. I could take another guess that it is not possible for these mods to be banned for any abusive comment, or perhaps their posts cannot be deleted. So it would not be difficult for a mod to work out who the other mods were because they would enjoy some extra privileged protection.
There may be another possible explanation in that a significant number of thanks may grant some with privileged protection.

So if some of the mods, or these 'protected' posters were bigoted and regularly make abusive or bigoted comments, these comments stand and set the tone for the site and/or this forum.

Finally, it would appear that the site is heavily subscribed by plumbers, probably because of the benefits of the CC forum. If some of those plumbers are bigoted, regularly make bigoted or abusive comments, and they are defended and supported by other plumbers, then the tone and standards of the forum will be frequently reinforced.

Admin need to take a serious look at the mods, or these 'protected' posters and their ability to moderate fairly, with a balanced and non-prejudicial outlook, or to set the tone of the forum.

At least 3 ( to my knowledge) long standing members of the CC have been banned from this site . because of what they did/ said in the CC ;)

The plumbing forum tends to get the most hits on this site ?
A simple enough question given that some perfectly reasonable Brexit related topics have been locked, and some perfectly reasonable Brexit related comments have been removed.

bear in mind , that some (at least one ) member(s) of this site have been threatened with legal action , as well as the forum owners (?) by one disgruntled person for comments ;)
I imagine professional trademen use this and other forums for advice as well as imparting knowledge

It just seems strange that a closed forum section is part of a public forum. Why is it not run as a separate forum ?. Funding could be from subscriptions paid by the professionals who benefit from membership. Since DIYnot is ( apparently ) funded by advertising to non registered readers the members of the Combustion Chamber do not contribute to the funding if the forum's running costs. ( can a person not registered as a forum member be a member of the Combustion Chamber ? )
It just seems strange that a closed forum section is part of a public forum. Why is it not run as a separate forum ?. Funding could be from subscriptions paid by the professionals who benefit from membership. Since DIYnot is ( apparently ) funded by advertising to non registered readers the members of the Combustion Chamber do not contribute to the funding if the forum's running costs. ( can a person not registered as a forum member be a member of the Combustion Chamber ? )

The CC brings in alot of manufacturers to this site ;) A recent manus head of technical has (or is about to ) recently signed up

As this is a trade based Diy forum , what is the purpose of this particular forum :?: what use is it :?:
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