Have you reached your potential?

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I'm thinking specifically about:

Family/personal life

When you consider your life to date, and thinking about the two things above, do you feel you have reached your full potential in these areas i.e. are you largely content?

Me ...

I've been in my current role (IT related) since the early noughties. Nearing 50, if I'm being honest I haven't pushed myself enough in terms of career progression. This is largely because, for the first decade and beyond, I was content with my role. However, looking back, once I was a few years in, I should have pushed myself to go for promoted posts. To address this, I'm now working towards a postgrad qualification to tick that box (most vacancies now mandate these or similar), and next year I'm going to put myself out there and see what comes up. Still within the same sector.

If I'm being really honest, but this is good old 20/20 hindsight, I kind of wish I'd never gone down the IT route. I wish I'd explored a career in psychology or a related field. Wouldn't consider changing now, too far in with things like pension and by the time I qualified (if indeed I did) I'd be starting off on the bottom proverbial rung. So, rightly or wrongly, I'd stick to what I know for the next 9-10 years then RETIRE :)

Family/personal life
That's an easy one. Was never interested in settling down with anyone or having kids, held that view into my 40s. Long story short, I now regret my life choices in this area. Although I appreciate you shouldn't view things through rose-tinted glasses, I do wish I'd had kids. Again, at 50 or close enough, I wouldn't consider it now. As for a partner, I think I'm too set in my ways but might look for a companion at some point to do stuff with in my retirement.

So on balance, I've probably not reached my potential in either career or family life. Having said that, I'm relatively content and much better placed than many on this planet, so overall no grumbles.

Right, over to you :)
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Council estate boy who got 3 o levels first time, then another 3. Sneaked into a teacher training coll when nobody was looking and taught for a year. No a levels. But I desired and was bright enough to get selected for military aircrew (not pilot) training, and good enough to pass. I worked hard enough to get a 'B' Combat Ready Category at a time when there were no 'A's around. Became a headteacher after 9 years total teaching.

Married for 41 years, best friends, and yes, we still love each other. Daughter who has enriched our lives and actually likes us!

Regrets? I feel I squandered my early education chances, which I consider shameful. Bought a house in Wales for £19k, instead of Surrey, 'cos £21k was 'way' too much! I really should have done pilot training...

On the whole those regrets don't keep me awake at night.
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Regret not joining the RN when I left school but have had quite a diverse career in engineering over the years. The last 2-3 years I've moved away from 'Engineering' and, after taking early retirement 3 years ago, now work in a maintenance job at a local college. Enjoy the work and get on well with the staff but above all get respect from them, which is a lot more than I got in engineering circles. Was married for 38 years but not happy for a good deal of the later years and wish it had ended sooner. Don't think I've peaked yet. Still enjoy doing a lot of the old stuff but also enjoy learning new stuff, not computers or tech stuff of that like but sharpening my diy skills, especially woodworking and gardening. Met a lovely lady over 8 years ago and have been very happily married for over 4 of those years. She makes me feel wanted and, yes, loved. But we also have our separate interests and friends as well as joint friends and interests. Never been happier.
I feel I am past my peak, and only 47.

Happy with my work (digital marketing) which I've now been doing for 12 years full time, after a 12 year career in banking when I left uni.

In fitness, I am unfit, and will never regain my peak when I was in late 20s doing loads of kickboxing and kung-fu.

In family, 2 great kids, and loving wife, but like all things, this is maturing, with the combined fun of teenagers and menopause.

So yeah, past my best. I think this is what they call the autumn of our lives.
Not at my peak,

I've never really known what I wanted, all I've ever known is that I wanted to progress through work but unfortunately no matter how hard I work I usually get passed over...

I've come to the conclusion that with work I end up being too good in a particular roll they wish not to promote me due to having no viable replacement.

Unfortunately I squandered my education, I done my HNC in electrical engineering, started to do my HND but I have up after a few months, I couldn't understand a word the engineering teacher was saying (was a really strong Pakistani or Indian accent), I also hate sitting in classes, I find it soon boring I litteraly fall asleep, I do regret no pushing to complete this whilst it was being paid for, but at the time I couldn't see a way forward. I was only 18 at the time, everyone else on the course was in there mid twenties and had jobs in engineering.

I should never have gotten rid of a particular car I owned a few years back miss it terribly and it's now worth a fortune.

Anyway, I've still got the other half of my life to live, so we'll see what the future holds.
I feel I am past my peak, and only 47.

Happy with my work (digital marketing) which I've now been doing for 12 years full time, after a 12 year career in banking when I left uni.

In fitness, I am unfit, and will never regain my peak when I was in late 20s doing loads of kickboxing and kung-fu.

In family, 2 great kids, and loving wife, but like all things, this is maturing, with the combined fun of teenagers and menopause.

So yeah, past my best. I think this is what they call the autumn of our lives.
Easy for me to say cause we all have our own thoughts, goals etc, however I'd say try not to look at 47 as being past your peak. Mind you, I'm 49 and kind of think the same! Hopefully you'll still have a few decades on this wonderful planet so onwards and upwards ...
Not at my peak,

I've never really known what I wanted, all I've ever known is that I wanted to progress through work but unfortunately no matter how hard I work I usually get passed over...

I've come to the conclusion that with work I end up being too good in a particular roll they wish not to promote me due to having no viable replacement.
Was told this four times in seven years by mangement, then I quit.
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