
You haven't lost it. You move on and make a home for your kids to visit you.
They have two homes from now on. Don't let them down. I've done it. I'm 15 years on and quite honestly, tough though it was I don't regret it happening.

Spot on.

You have to take it on the chin and will feel better soon.
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He was spending too long on the fkin computer.

Sorry Eddie, but get a grip lad ffs, s**t happens to all of us.

Oddly, probably kind of the kick up the ass I need. Just don't feel like it at the moment.
Sigh, its the standard, I don't want to be with you anymore clause, there is no specific unreasonable bhaviour, and I really don't have to justify myself to you. I'm sorry to have bored you. Goodnight.
If you're looking for sympathy you've come to the wrong place dude. :rolleyes:

No he hasn't.

The lad is going through a rough time at the moment, and although we don't actually know one another on these forums, there is a community here, and I for one will look out for the other regulars.

I can't really say much about this, as I have never even been married, so I have no idea what you're going through.

Best wishes Eddie, and I hope things work out for you as well as they can.

Please keep us updated with how things are. Despite some of the idiots on this forum, there are plenty of good members here who really do feel for you.
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Divorce is just as horrible from a child's' point of view.

There isn't a single pleasant thing about divorce except the fact that lawyers get wealthier whatever the outcome.

As stated, do not try and line their pockets even though they are a necessary evil and seem to be the only one on your side.
i have been through devorce and my sympathys go out to you
your world does collapse around you and nothing seems important any more :cry: :cry:

but belive me it does get better you need to get it out off your system and this forum is great for that

although the comments about there being worse problems around are true they make no allowance for the fact we are all individuals and react in different ways
and at this moment in time NOTHING is worse than the pain you are feeling

try and keep busy to take your mind off it and most off us are here to help you :D :D
Best wishes Eddie, and I hope things work out for you as well as they can.

Please keep us updated with how things are. Despite some of the idiots on this forum, there are plenty of good members here who really do feel for you.

exactly well said rf its so sad that morons can kick a man when he is at his lowest.

Keep busy eddie and try to look in to the future not the past
One answer...

ATB, EM - Do keep away from The Plough Inn

Sigh, its the standard, I don't want to be with you anymore clause, there is no specific unreasonable bhaviour, and I really don't have to justify myself to you. I'm sorry to have bored you. Goodnight.

Eddie, you sound understandably gutted :cry: I know it must be killing you and I (hope the MODS don't boot me off for this) know that a site (wikivorce) is very very helpful for some people - it has a chat, forum and a legal advice service, all free, for people in just your situation. I don't mean to go recommending another forum through this one, and it's one a friend of mine has used recently (hence why I heard about it), and she has sworn by it. Both men and women frequent the site and they have a lot of helpful support and information. Might be a good place to at least start with people in the same situation?

Of course I am positively NOT saying - especially as a newbie on this site - that you shouldn't come on here and vent, of course not. I just thought it might help you to know of a subject-specific site that might give you a few pointers - mostly from a legal standpoint - which might help you.

Take care of yourself, and as for the panic attacks, if you feel them coming on, try and control your breathing by counting how long you can slowly inhale for, hold that breath, and how slowly you can let it out. I've suffered from nasty attacks in the past and it was controlled breathing which has helped me get them under control. Not an easy thing (panic attacks) and I totally sympathise :(
Thank you for all your kind words and advice, I shall console myself with a curry, and a bucket of booze tonight, which I know really doesn't help matters, but I don't know which way is up at the moment. Plus the wife is being really horrible to me at the moment, and infront of the kids :( jeeze, time to leave I feel.
One answer...

ATB, EM - Do keep away from The Plough Inn


Not quite a widow maker :cry: Head, fried, well and truly. Still did think of selling some assets to buy a new car, but suspose that has to go into the financial statement form (which I'm not going to fill out) I guess she gets the truck, after she cunningly reregistered it in her name, by faking my signature.

Not keen on this divorce thing at all.
Sorry to hear about your problems Eddie. I know it's hard but try and remember what you still do have.

To quote Nietzsche, "What does not destroy me, makes me stronger" - just remember that. Take care.
Hi Eddie,
Been busy today so just caught up with some of the additional comments.
Good to see there's a strong group of forum members to hopefully pull you through, you'll always get the odd unhelpful one but we can expect that!

Good idea curry and a few beers to take your mind of things, just chill out but best with friends.
But don't use alcohol as a friend, because it isn't and if you start getting sh :eek: t faced to forget things it will bring you down, be careful pal in moderation with good mates.
not been there mate but I wish you all the best for the traumatic times ahead. We have a few good friends that have been down that road and come out the other side as better people for it. There are always positve things to happenings, you just have to recognise them. The reasons for your divorce are yours personally and not to be explained on here unless you want to explain them. A few 'good' people on here have told you to PM them, do it. They are here to help not hinder or accuse.

PBD and RF have given good advice, as have a lot of others. Take the time to read them carefully and take note of what they say. Ignore the shysters who are full of negativity.

It must be very painful, especially with having kids involved, but you will get through it.
Good luck mate and any time you want to rant and rave you know you can always come on here.
conny, I can't tell you how much I envy you. Guess it's up to me now to make it as good as I can.

Thank you all again for your support, and thank you to the mods as well!!
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